Contribution of the Proceeding of 7th ISAAC


The general proceedings of the 7th ISAAC Congress will be published with World Scientific.

Participants are invited to submit contributions to the general proceedings volume.

Manuscripts should be prepared and submitted according to the following instructions:


1. Deadline for submission

  1. October 2009 to the session organizer (Fumihiko Hirosawa)


2. Preparation of the manuscript

  Manuscripts should be prepared in LaTeX using the style files / instructions from World Scientific,

  as given in the attached file



  Please refrain from defining your own LaTeX commands in the preamble of your manuscript. 

  Colored pictures are not allowed, please use grey scale or black and white figures if necessary.

  Manuscripts not prepared to these instructions can not be accepted for publication.


3. Page limit

  7 pages. Longer contributions will not be accepted.


4. Submission of manuscripts

  Manuscripts should be submitted both as .tex and as .pdf to the session organizer.


5. Fee

  You will receive the published volume of the proceeding if you pay an extra fee in the registration.

  But the contribution to the proceeding is free.