Heat-resistant fermenting microorganisms (heat-resistant acetobacter) project

  In collaboration with Thai researchers, we have unexpectedly many widespread "heat resistance" that can grow in the subtropical environment even at temperatures as high as 10 to 20 degrees Celsius than systematically similar room temperature bacteria. We succeeded in finding microorganisms, and found that fermenting microorganisms such as "heat-resistant" acetobacter and "heat-resistant" yeast were also present in them.This is evolutionarily different from the "high temperature" principle, which controls thermophiles and hyperthermophilic bacteria that are evolutionarily present at huge time intervals and have different growth temperatures of 30 to 60 degrees Celsius. Means that "heat resistance" with an increase in growth temperature of 10 to 20 degrees is born from normal temperature bacteria "as an indication" in a relatively short time, and in that sense, "heat resistance" consisting of a relatively small number of factors It was predicted that the "sex" principle would exist.Furthermore, we have promoted the physiological analysis of these thermostable acetic acid bacteria and found some practical thermostable bacteria from them. These include high temperature acetic acid fermentation, high temperature sorbose / erythrirose fermentation, and high temperature polysaccharide polymer production.

  From these studies, we came to think that a group of "heat resistant" groups is universally present among useful fermenting microorganisms such as yeast and acetic acid bacteria.Since it is unlikely that thermophilic bacteria are present in these fermenting microorganisms, it is rational to isolate or genetically engineer these heat-resistant bacteria adapted to higher temperatures (assuming + 10 to 20 ° C), and the useful "heat resistance" I thought it was possible to develop fermenting microorganisms.
  Therefore, as a Seiken Center project, we formed a team with other members of the Microbial Research Promotion Organization (Faculty of Agriculture, Mamoru Yamada, Faculty of Engineering, Rinji Akada, Naoji Hoshida, Faculty of Medicine, Mutsumi Shirai, Yoshinao Higashi). , "Elucidation of the" heat resistance "molecular mechanism of heat-resistant fermenting microorganisms and its use in the fermentation industry" was started.There, 1) analysis of the "heat resistance" mechanism of yeast and Escherichia coli, which are normal temperature bacteria, 2) analysis of the heat resistance mechanism of yeast and acetobacter, which have heat resistance that we have already separated, and 3) normal temperature bacteria. Through genome analysis, we will elucidate the molecular mechanism of "heat resistance" and work on the development of a high-temperature fermentation system using the results.This effort makes it possible to utilize "heat-resistant" microorganisms, facilitate temperature control of fermentation production, and make a significant contribution to the domestic brewing and fermentation industry.In addition, it is expected that the fermentation and brewing departments can contribute to the compliance with the "Kyoto Protocol" by enabling a significant reduction in cooling energy.It is also expected to contribute to the development of the fermentation industry in Southeast Asia, where the brewing industry is vulnerable due to the high temperature.

<Research achievements related to this research subject>

A. Saeki, G. Theeragool, K. Matsushita, H. Toyama, N. Lotong, O. Adachi. Development of thermotolerant acetic acid bacteria useful for vinegar fermentation at higher temperatures; Biosci. Biotech. Biochem., 61, 138-145 (1997)
D. Moonmangmee, O. Adachi, Y. Ano, E. Shinagawa, H. Toyama, G. Theeragool, N. Lotong, K. Matsushita. Isolation and characterization of thermotolerant Gluconobacter strains catalyzing oxidative fermentation at higher temperatures; Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 64, 2306-2315 (2000)
D. Moonmangmee, O. Adachi, E. Shinagawa, H. Toyama, G. Theeragool, N. Lotong, K. Matsushita. L-Erythrulose production by oxidative fermentation is calatalyzed by PQQ-containing membrane-bound dehydrogenase; Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 66, 307-318 (2002)
S. Moonmangmee, H. Toyama, O. Adachi, G. Theeragool, N. Lotong, K. Matsushita: Purification and Characterization of a Novel Polysaccharide Involved in the Pellicle Produced by Thermotolerant Acetobacter Strain; Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 65, 777-783 (2002)
H. Toyama, W. Soenphol, D. Moonmangmee1, O. Adachi, K. Matsushita. Molecular properties of membrane-bound FAD-containing D-sorbitol dehydrogenase from thermotolerant Gluconobacter frateurii isolated from Thailand. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 69, 1120-1129 (2005)
A. Deeraksa, S. Moonmangmee, H. Toyama, M. Yamada, O. Adachi, K. Matsushita: Characterization and spontaneous mutation of a novel gene, polE, involved in pellicle formation in Acetobacter tropicalis SKU1100. Microbiology 151, 4111-4120 (2005)
A. Deeraksa, S. Moonmangmee, H. Toyama, O. Adachi and K. Matsushita: Conversion of capsular polysaccharide, involved in pellicle formation, to extracellular polysaccharide by galE deletion in Acetobacter tropicalis. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 70, 2536-2539 (2006)

<Research funds and projects related to this research project>

・ 独立行政法人農業・生物系特定産業技術研究機構生物系特定産業技術研究支援センター2006年度「新技術・新分野創出のための基礎研究推進事業」(一般型): 松下一信(代表);耐熱性発酵微生物の「耐熱性」分子機構の解明と発酵産業への利用:2006年〜2010年
・ 学術振興会・拠点大学事業「微生物の生物化学的研究分野」:松下一信(代表コーディネーター);耐熱性微生物資源の開発と利用:平成10〜19年度

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