山口大学医学部 医学部


ご挨拶 The President’s Message

山口大学 学長    
        谷澤 幸生
        Yukio Tanizawa
President, Yamaguchi University

山口大学を代表して、マヒドン大学で開催されたAPAHL2024の成功を心よりお喜び申し上げますとともに、APAHLの長年の取組に対し、参加者ならびに関係者の皆さんに心から感謝します。今回のフォーラムへの参加によって、未来の医療従事者である学生は、Precision Health(個別化医療)という各国共通のテーマについて、様々な分野の医療関係者の講義やディスカッション、施設見学を通して学び、国際的に活躍するために必要な要素を体得することができたと思います。



On behalf of Yamaguchi University, I extend my congratulations to the success of the APAHL2024 Forum and convey our sincere appreciation to all APAHL participants and organizing committee members. Throughout the forum’s lectures, discussions, and facility tours, participating students have gained insights into the framework of “precision health” and acquired essential tips for active and international engagement.

APAHL’s overarching goal is to “develop healthcare students’ expertise to become future international leaders,” providing an outstanding opportunity to delve into each other’s cultures, experiences, ideas, and expertise while establishing the groundwork for future international collaboration. I express heartfelt gratitude to our longstanding partners, Chiang Mai University and Mahidol University, as well as to the University of Hong Kong for their enduring friendship. I look forward to the continuation of an enduring and mutually beneficial cooperative relationship among students, faculty, staff, and partner universities.


APAHL(Asia Pacific Alliance for Health Leaders)は、アジア・太平洋地域における看護・健康科学のリーダー育成を目指した国際連携事業で、学生のための国際交流プログラムを実施しています。参加校が、毎年持ち回りでフォーラムを開催し、社会的・教育的・文化的活動を含む4日間の交流を行っています。

Asia Pacific Alliance for Health Leaders (APAHL) is an international collaborative project aimed at developing leaders in nursing and health sciences in the Asia-Pacific region. It implements international exchange programs for students. Participating schools take turns hosting the forum each year, and the four-day exchange includes social, educational, and cultural activities.

Host schools and themes of the past forums

Host School
2005 1st Chiang Mai University Thailand
2006 2nd Yamaguchi University Japan
2007 3rd Ewha Womans University Korea
2008 4th Mahidol University Thailand
2009 5th Yamaguchi University Japan Developing Health Leaders for the Future Forum
2010 6th The University of Newcastle Australia Health Leadership for a Global Society
2011 7th Chiang Mai University Thailand Evidence-based Practice for Health Promotion
2012 8th Ewha Womans University Korea Global Health Leadership for Multi-cultural Society
2013 9th Mahidol University Thailand Gen Y’ers as Health Leaders: A Challenge in Aging Society
2014 10th Yamaguchi University Japan Leadership in the era of chronic diseases
2015 11th Chiang Mai University Thailand Community Engagement for Health: The Power of Partnership in Improving Education, Practice, Research, and Health Outcomes
2016 12th University of New England Australia Empowering students as leaders – Creating a sustainable future
2018 13th Ewha Womans University Korea Global Health Leaders – influencing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
2019 14th Mahidol University Thailand Synergizing Leaders for Driving the SDGs Success
2020 Cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic
2021 15th Yamaguchi University(Online) Japan Improving preparedness and response for future pandemics
2022 16th Chiang Mai University Thailand Healthcare Leadership using Technology in the Digital Era
2023 17th The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Healthy Ageing in Action through Healthcare Education, Practice and Research
2024 18th Mahidol University Thailand Wellness Health Care in Improving Health of a Population





テーマ: Precision Health: Wellness Health Care in Improving Health of a Population














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