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Yamaguchi University, Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

The implementation of JFVM Curriculum

JFVM Curriculum Outline

1st year students
Common Studies and General Studies are required, including biology, chemistry, molecular biology and data science as a basis of veterinary science, in addition to bioethics of laboratory animals, communication theory, language skills, and information use. The Introductory Course should also be taken to obtain a general understanding of veterinary education and the social responsibility of veterinarians.
1st - 6th year students
Core Curriculum is required to acquire the knowledge and skills needed as a veterinarian. The Core Curriculum involves: Basic Veterinary Courses, (structure and function of animals), Advanced Veterinary Courses (pathological and preventive method against animal disease), and Clinical Veterinary Courses (diagnostic treatment of animal disease). The Participatory Practice in Clinical Veterinary Courses offers treatment practice with animals in on-/off- campus facilities.
4th - 6th year students
Special Field Courses are required. Students are assigned to laboratories in their field of study, and undertake the advanced practice and graduation thesis writing.