Activity Report

3rd students dispatched this September reported on their overseas practical training


 On Thursday, November 30 2023, a students’ presentation was held by the 3rd batch of students who had completed their overseas practical training.

 This September, eight students, six from Yamaguchi University and two from Gifu University, were dispatched to Nairobi, and four students from the University of Nairobi were welcomed to Yamaguchi, making a total of 12 students giving reports.

 From this time, the students also took on the role of chairpersons, and both sides cooperated in the preparations, such as checking connections with Nairobi and discussing arrangements beforehand. At the session, each student gave a six-minute presentation in English, including a Q&A session.

 All presenters gave a good account of their fulfilling practical training in Kenya and Japan, and their presentations were a good reference for next year's applicants.

Dr. Aboge and Prof. Hayasaka giving an overall review

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