Message from Vice-President (for International Cooperation)

In April 2022, MD, PhD TANIZAWA Yukio was inaugurated as the President of Yamaguchi University and YU has started its new era under his leadership. We launched “Vison 2030” in January 2023, which indicates the direction that YU will aim for the future in the fields of education, research, social engagement, diversity, and management. International cooperation is included in the field of diversity. It designs YU’s vision for developing and expanding its international activities with the spirit of Diversity Campus inherited from “YU Vision for Tomorrow 2015”, which emphasizes respect for diversity.

Our students and staff couldn’t go abroad and we hardly had new overseas students and guests during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, we obtained the new way to conduct international academic conferences and international symposia more easily than before thanks to the development of communication tools such as web conference systems. We are taking advantage of this legacy of the pandemic after it subsided worldwide and international activities at YU are actively going on both in person and online.

Diversity Campus has regained its lively atmosphere with the return of international students. YU will move on to achieve its various goals for 2030.



Vice-President for International Cooperation