Yamaguchi University Overseas Alumni Association, Indonesia chapter was held

On September 15, 2023, the Yamaguchi University (YU) Overseas Alumni Association, Indonesia chapter was held at Udayana University (UNUD) in Indonesia. This was the second meeting of the Association was established in 2019 as a successor to the former Bali Alumni Association. Participants at the event were Dr. TANIZAWA Yukio, President of YU; Ms. KATSUMATA Harumi, Consul General of Japan in Denpasar; Prof. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of UNUD; YU faculty and staff; YU Alumini. In addition, students from UNUD who are interested in studying in Japan and YU were also in attendance.

At the opening of the meeting, Vice Rector Prof. Temaja expressed her willingness to use this meeting as an opportunity to promote exchanges between UNUD and YU, which had been interrupted due to the pandemic. Consul General Ms. Katsumata noted that this year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Indonesia, and that during the official visit of the Majesties Emperor and Empress to Indonesia in June, the Majesty expressed his hope that the younger generation could play a major role in the further development of bilateral relations. She expressed his appreciation for the close exchange relationship between the two universities and hoped that it would continue to grow and contribute to building a bright future.

At this event, the faculty introduced the Graduate School and respective educational and research exchange activities with Indonesia, followed by lectures from alumni on their student life in Yamaguchi, how to cope with the cultural differences, and their research activities. The event concluded with a panel discussion, during which many questions were raised about the fields of study and cost of living at Yamaguchi, and the event was a great success.

Alumni who gave the presentation at the event are now teaching at universities in Indonesia or working at local offices of companies in Yamaguchi Prefecture. Some of alumni holds a key position in the Indonesian government, although they were unable to attend this event. We are very happy to see that they have returned to their home countries and have been playing an active role.

Since 2022, YU has designated Indonesia as the Priority country and has been strategically promoting educational and research exchanges with Indonesia. Under this policy, we will produce excellent human resources and contribute to the development of both countries promoting cooperation with Indonesian universities.

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