【Invitation】[Inter-University Exchange project] :International Cooperation TALK SHOW – Africa and Asia – #3

We are pleased to announce the second session of the International Cooperation Talk Show – Africa and Asia, which has been held as part of the “Inter-University Exchange project” – Support for Formation of Collaborative Programs with African Universities”.

We look forward to seeing you at the event.

International Cooperation Talk Show – Africa and Asia – #3

[Date & Time] November 8 (Wed), 2023 12:50-2:20PM
[Venue] Room 301, 3rd Floor, Bldg. D at Faculty of Economics
[Mode] Face to face
[Language] Japanese & English
[Program] 12:50-13:35 SANJAY K BHARDWAJ
             Prof, PhD. Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
             “Development of SDGs in India”    
       13:35-14:20 MIKA MIZUNO
             International Cooperation Promotor, Yamaguchi JICA Bureau
             “Local Needs and Self-Reliance Support”
[Poster] https://ds27i1.cc.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/~kokuki/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/d01b8462c8dc12c7647fd2f7679bdd2f.pdf

<How to register>
Participation is free. No need to apply in advance.

Yamaguchi University IUEP Management Bureau
(International Affairs Division, YU)
TEL: 083-933-5027 (ext. 6060)
E-mail: sh031@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp

<Outline of the Project>
Yamaguchi University was selected by the MEXT in FY2020 for the funding project “Inter-University Exchange project (Type A)”, which is mainly conducted by the Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. In this project, we aim to establish education program for veterinary medicine and to develop veterinary education and research in Asia and Africa in collaboration with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Nairobi, among the “One Health” problems. Throughout this program, we lead students to veterinarians with a global point of view. In addition, the ultimate goal of the program is not only to develop veterinary education, but also to build ties with Africa on a university-wide basis.
Official HP: https://ds0n.cc.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/~sekaitenkai/