Workshops were held to develop problem-solving skills through social issues in Africa.

Workshops were held from February to March for several faculties to develop problem-solving skills through social issues in Africa. The workshops aim to increase students’ knowledge about Africa across different faculties and develop expand the MEXT Inter-University Exchange Project university-wide.

The workshops were supported by AA Health Dynamics, a company operating in Kenya and South Africa. They consist of a series of processes over a period of about a month, including online discussions (setting the problems/hypothesis), on-demand video presentation guidance, fieldwork/validation in Kenya, and a final report session.


First, two online meetings were held on 20 and 25 February. Participating students from the Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the Faculty of Medicine, and the Faculty of Global and Science Studies were divided into two groups to learn about the local situation in Africa under the theme of One Health. They set a problem and discussed the research and means needed to solve it in their groups. They also selected the sites to visit and conducted preliminary chat interviews for the field research.


【Online meetings】

After these meetings, chosen students were sent to Kenya in early March to conduct fieldwork. A final report on the workshop was presented at the end of March after their return to Japan.

For the fieldwork in Kenya, click here.

For the final report, click here.