66th Veterinary science special seminar will be held from 15:00 on 3/6 at the room 101 in iCOVER.
Speaker: Dr. Takashi Matsuwaki (Laboratory of Veterinary Physiology, Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
Title: HYPERthermia or HYPOthermia - Mechanisms of Thermoregulation under Infectious Conditions

99th Veterinary science seminar will be held from 16:00 on 1/29 at the room 101 iCOVER.
Speaker: Dr. Sunahara Hiroshi (Lab. of Veterinary Surgery)
Title: Dose the frequency analysis of the heart murmur predict the severity of the heart disease?

64th Veterinary science special seminar will be held from 16:00 on 2/14 at the room 101 in iCOVER.
Speaker: Dr. Yasu-Taka Azuma (Laboratory of Prophylactic Pharmacology, Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School of Veterinary Science)
Title: Role of Interleukin-19 in Maintaining Liver Health

Doctoral thesis presentation will be held on 1/20 and 1/21 at the room 101 in iCOVER and only for afternoon of 1/21 at the 5th lecture room in Main Bldg. of Faculty of Agriculture and Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

98th Veterinary science seminar will be held from 16:00 on 1/10 at the room 101 iCOVER.
Speaker: Dr. Igase Masaya (Lab. of Veterinary Clinical Pathology)
Title: Analysis of tumor immune microenvironment in dogs and novel therapeutic strategies targeting tumor-associated macrophages

97th Veterinary science seminar will be held from 16:00 on 12/11 at the room 101 iCOVER.
Speaker: Dr. Shibutani Shusaku (Lab. of Veterinary Hygiene)
Title: Exploring novel functions of cellular membrane structures and membrane proteins

Invitation: Final Report Session on overseas training program in Nairobi and Yamaguchi on November 13th at 4 p.m.

96th Veterinary science seminar will be held from 16:00 on 11/27 at the room 101 iCOVER.
Speaker: Dr. Masashi Sakurai (Lab. of Veterinary Panthology)
Title: Neurogenesis in brain diseases

65th Veterinary science special seminar will be held from 13:30 on 10/1 at the room 101 in iCOVER.
Speaker: Dr. Kazuki Heishima (Gifu University)
Title: Anti-tumor strategy targeting metabolism conserved across species

2024/9/13Prospective students
・Admission in April 2025(Second round) will take place as planned.

2024/9/10Current students
Documentation has been updated.

[Notice of postponement]64th Veterinary science special seminar will be held from 16:00 on 8/30 at the room 101 in iCOVER.
Speaker: Dr. Yasu-Taka Azuma (Laboratory of Prophylactic Pharmacology, Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School of Veterinary Science)
Title: Role of Interleukin-19 in Maintaining Liver Health

95th Veterinary science seminar will be held from 17:00 on 7/10 at the room 101 iCOVER.
Spkeaker: Dr. Tetsuya Yanagida (Laboratory of Parasitology)
Title: Microsporidian infections newly identified in freshwater fish in Japan.

2024/6/21Current students
Doctoral thesis presentation will be held from 9:00 on July 23 at the room 101 in iCOVER and from 12:30 at the 5th lecture room in Main Bldg. of Faculty of Agriculture and Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

7th Africa Fair: NIGERIA “The Giant of Africa – A glance through the epitome of diversity and talents -” held on May 30, 2024.

2024/6/14Current students
Yearly Schedule of 2024 has been updated.

2024/6/12Prospective students
Admission Procedure of Apr. 2025 entrance

[Notice of postponement]64th Veterinary science special seminar will be held from 16:00 on 8/30 at the room 101 in iCOVER.
Speaker: Dr. Yasu-Taka Azuma (Laboratory of Prophylactic Pharmacology, Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School of Veterinary Science)
Title: Role of Interleukin-19 in Maintaining Liver Health

63th Veterinary science special seminar will be held from 16:00 on 7/19 at Large lecture room4F of United Veterinary Research Building.
Speaker: Dr. Yuki Matsumoto (Researcher, Anicom Specialty Medical Institute Inc. Project Associate Professor, Azabu University )
Title: Veterinary medicine and conservation biology in the genomic era

Academic Seminar of the Faculty will be held from 16:00 on 4 June at Large lecture room4F of Veterinary Research Building.
Speaker: Dr. Ishara Uhanie PERERA (Microbial Genomics and Ecology, IDEC Inst., Hiroshima Univ.)
Title: Exploring connections between species and ever-changing environment.

Invitation: 7th Africa Fair“NAIGERIA -the Giant of Africa-”on May 30 at 4:20PM in Auditorium, 4F Veterinary Medicine Bldg.

Academic seminar will be held from 14:00 on 4/10 at iCover 101 room. Speaker: Dr. Nana Ushine (Yamaguchi University One Welfare Education and Research Center (OWERC))
Title : Research for wildlife forensics

Joint faculty of veterinary medicine academic seminar will be held from 15:00 on 3/14 at Large lecture room4F of United Veterinary Research Building. Speaker: Dr. Alice Lau Ching Ching (Neurovirology laboratory, Department of virology I, National institute of infectious diseases)
Title: Molecular epidemiological survey of tick microbiota and tick-borne pathogens in ticks and rodents in Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia.

62th Veterinary science special seminar will be held from 10:00 on 2/10 at the room 101 in iCOVER. Speaker: Dr. Manabu Kurihara (Director, LIVES Incorporated Association)
Title: The lecture of abdominal ultrasounds for veterinary students.

94th Veterinary science seminar will be held from 16:00 on 1/10 at the room 101 in iCOVER. Speaker: Dr. Satoshi Kambayashi (Veterinary Internal Medicine)
Title: Current state of liquid biopsy in veterinary medicine

60th Veterinary Science special seminar will be held from 16:00 on 1/19 at the large seminar room in Veterinary Medicine Building 4F. Speaker: Dr. Shunya Tsuji (Department of Pharmacology, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine)

93rd Veterinary science seminar will be held from 14:30 on 11/22 at the room 101 in iCOVER. Speaker: Dr. Tohru Kimura (Laboratory Animal Science)
Title: Application of serum amyloid A (SAA) measurement system to diagnosis of pathological condition in various animals

The 20th Yamaguchi University Animal Medical Center Clinical Seminar will be held on Sunday, December 17th, at 12:30 PM on the 4th floor of the Veterinary Medical Research Building. Speakers: Dr. Tetsuya Kobayashi, Japan Small Animal Cancer Center
Dr. Yumiko Kagawa, North Lab Pathology Services
Title: Part1: It All Starts with Cell Collection! Tips and Insights into Biopsy Techniques
Part2: Three Reasons Why I Don't Highly Recommend Studying Abroad in the United States

92nd Veterinary science seminar will be held from 16:00 on 10/25 at the room 101 in iCOVER. Speaker: Dr. Kenta Watanabe (Veterinary Public Health) Title: Research on bacteria using Paramecium model

Admission in April 2024(Second round) will take place as planned.

59th Veterinary Science special seminar will be held from 16:00 on 9/29 at the room 101 in iCOVER. Speaker: Dr. Yutaka Kondo (Department of Cancer Biology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine)

91st Veterinary science seminar will be held from 16:00 on 8/30 at the room 101 in iCOVER. Speaker: Dr. Hiroshi Shimoda (Veterinary Microbiology)
Title: Various viruses possessed by bats

90th Veterinary science seminar will be held from 16:00 on 7/26 at the room 101 in iCOVER. Speaker: Dr. Mitsuhiro Takagi (Veterinary Theriogenology)
Title: Overview of mycotoxin contamination of feed in cattle herds and its effect on herd fertility

Yearly Schedule of 2023.

89th Veterinary science seminar will be held from 17:30 on 6/21 at the room 101 in iCOVER.
Speaker: Dr. Hajime Toyofuku (Veterinary Epidemiology)
Title: The 60th anniversary of the Codex Alimentarius CommissionーInternational food standards save lives

Admission Procedure of Apr. 2024 entrance

2nd AFRICA FAIR GHANA from 16:00 on 4/14 at large seminar room in Veterinary Medicine Building 4F.
Speaker: Samuel NYAMPONG (Joint Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, YU)

57th Veterinary science special seminar will be held from 16:00 on 3/20 at large seminar room in Veterinary Medicine Building 4F.
Speaker: Dr. Wataru Fujii (The University of Tokyo)
Title: Advanced reverse genetics approaches at the individual level in mammals

88th Veterinary Science seminar will be held from 16:00 on 3/29 at the room 101 in iCOVER.
Speaker: Dr. Masayasu Taniguchi (Lab. of Theriogenology)
Title: Update on Artificial Insemination in Cows

56th Veterinary science special seminar will be held from 16:30 on 2/16 at iCOVER101.
Speaker: Dr. Kiyohiko Andoh (The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization)
Title: Analysis of non-coding RNA in Bovine leukemia virus

postponement88th Veterinary Science seminar will be held from 16:00 on 11/30 at the room 101 in iCOVER.
Speaker: Dr. Masayasu Taniguchi (Lab. of Theriogenology)
Title: Update on Artificial Insemination in Cows

87th Veterinary Science seminar will be held from 16:00 on 11/30 at the room 101 in iCOVER.
Speaker: Dr. Ai Takano (Lab. of Veterinary Epidemiology)
Title: Understand the tick-borne infectious diseases; Ecology, Biology and infectiology

55th Veterinary Science Special seminar will be held from 16:30 on 12/20 at the room 101 in iCOVER .
Speaker: Dr. Takuya Omotehara (Department of Anatomy, Tokyo Medical University)
Title: Comparative morphology of spermatogenesis ~Use of three-dimensional reconstruction methods~

86th Veterinary Science seminar will be held from 16:00 on 10/26 at large seminar room in Veterinary Medicine Building 4F.
Speaker: Dr. Kano Kiyoshi (Lab. of Developmental Biology)
Title: Polyploidy in mammal: Effects of whole genome duplication on early embryonic development

54th Veterinary Science Special seminar will be held from 13:00 on 7/13 at the conference room in Veterinary Medicine Building.
Speaker: Dr. Shinya Aoi (Department of Mechanical Science and Bioengineering, Osaka University)
Title: Understanding the superior walking and running mechanisms of animals: Using mathematical models and robots

Admission in April 2023(Second round) will take place as planned.

54th Veterinary Science Special seminar will be held from 13:00 on 7/13 at the conference room in Veterinary Medicine Building.
Speaker: Dr. Shinya Aoi (Department of Mechanical Science and Bioengineering, Osaka University)
Title: Understanding the superior walking and running mechanisms of animals: Using mathematical models and robots

Veterinary science seminar will be held from 16:00 on 6/22 at iCover 101 room.
Speaker: Dr. Takashi Shimizu (Lab. of Veterinary Public Health)
Title: Mechanisms of pathogenicity acquisition in the evolution of Francisella tularensis.

Veterinary science seminar will be held from 16:00 on 5/25 at iCOVER 101.
Speaker: Dr. Kazuhito Itamoto (Yamaguchi University Animal Medical Center)
Title: Safety improvement of anesthesia in veterinary medicine.

Veterinary Science Academic seminar will be held from 16:00 on 3/2 at Large lecture room 4F of United Veterinary Research Building.
Speaker: Dr. Masashi Sakurai (Lab. of Veterinary Panthology)
Title: Brian regeneration and its facilitation

Veterinary Science Academic seminar will be held from 16:00 on 2/16 at Large lecture room 4F of United Veterinary Research Building.
Speaker: Dr. Kenta Watanabe (Lab. of Veterinary Public Health)
Title: Study on Legionella investigated from diverse relationships with its natural hosts

Veterinary Science Academic seminar will be held from 16:00 on 1/26 at Large lecture room 4F of United Veterinary Research Building.
Speaker: Dr. Kyouko Yoshizaki (Gifu University Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences)
Title: Hereditary gastrointestinal polyposis of Jack Russell Terrier, a new Hereditary Disease

Veterinary science seminar will be held from 16:00 on 12/22 at iCover 101 room. Speaker: Dr. Ken Kusakabe (Lab. of Veterinary Anatomy)
Title: The relationship between gestational dynamics of complement factors and reproductive physiology.

The 6th International Symposium Association of Japan-Indonesia Veterinary Education 2022 will be held on 2/11

53th Veterinary Science Special seminar will be held from 16:00 on 12/2 at iCOVER 101, Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Speaker: Dr. Hirotaka Tomiyasu (Division of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo) 
Title: Translational Research in canine tumor and feline tumor.

Veterinary science seminar will be held from 16:00 on 10/27 at iCover 101 room. Speaker: Dr. Munekazu Nakaichi (Lab. of Veterinary Radiology)
Title: Changes in radiotherapy against pet’s tumor in YUAMEC.

Admission in April 2022(Second round) will take place as planned.

52th Veterinary Science Special seminar will be held from 16:30 on 9/28 at 【Notice of change in seminar room】 iCOVER101, Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Title: Spatiotemporal dynamics of the immune system from the perspective of phylogeny and ontogeny
Speaker: Dr. Ryo Goitsyuka (Division of Immunology, Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Tokyo University of Science)

Veterinary Science Special seminar will be held from 16:30 on 9/8 at iCover 101 room Speaker: Dr. Masashi Sakurai(Lab. of Veterinary Pathology)
Title: Brian regeneration and immune system

Veterinary Science Special seminar will be held from 16:00 on 7/5 at iCover 101 room Speaker: Dr. So Fujiyoshi (Laboratory of Microbial Genomics and Ecology, Academy of Hiroshima University)
Title: Regionalism and Universality of Air and Water from the Perspective of Microorganisms

Veterinary science seminar will be held from 17:15 on 6/30 at iCover 101 room. Speaker: Dr. Masahiro Morimoto (Lab. of Veterinary Pathology)
Title: Investigation on activation mechanism of Th2 immune reponse.

Veterinary science seminar will be held from 2/17 16:00 at large seminar room, 4F. Speaker: Dr. Kenji Tani (Lab. of Veterinary Surgery)
Title: Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization in veterinary medicine.

Veterinary science seminar will be held from 1/20 16:00 at large seminar room, 4F. Speaker: Dr. Takeshi Ohama (Lab. of Veterinary Pharmacology)
Title: Regulation of phosphorylation signaling regulated by protein methylation.

Veterinary Science Special seminar will be held from 12/22 16:00 at large seminar room, 4F. Speaker: Dr. Hiroki Kakuta (Okayama University, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Title: "Drug discovery from academia." Research and discovery of small molecule drug targeting RXR receptor.

Veterinary science seminar will be held from 12/16 17:00 at large seminar room, 4F. Speaker: Dr. Koichi Sato (Lab. of Veterinary Pharmacology)
Title: Future vision of our Joint Faculty toward next five years.

Scientific seminar will be held from 12/10 17:00 at large seminar room, 4F.
Speaker: Dr. Ariko Miyake (Lab. of Molecular Immunology and Infectious Diseases)
Title: Endogenous Retroviruses: players in immune system

Online meeting with Zaragoza University will be held at 12/11. In the meeting, students in the zaragoza university and a Japanese student who experienced stay in the zaragoza university will put introduction on student's life in that university. You can join online. Please check the leaflet

Schedule of doctoral thesis deadline is updated.

Veterinary Scientific Seminar by Dr. Yuki Nemoto
 Title: Radiation therapy and end-stage care on animals with tumors.
 Speaker: Yuki Nemoto (Azabu University)
 Date: 2020/10/2 16:00-17:00

Veterinary Scientific Seminar by Dr. Yasunobu Nishi
 Title: Investigation on systemic inflammatory disease in bovine respiratory diseases.
 Speaker: Yasunobu Nishi (Lab. of Large Animal Clinic)
 Date: 2020/9/30 16:00-17:00

Veterinary Scientific Seminar by Dr. Hiroyuki Imai. Title: Effects of Polyploidization in Mammalian cells.
Speaker: Hiroyuki Imai (Kyusyu University)
Date: 2020 2/17 16:00-17:-00

49 th Veterinary Science Special Seminar Title: Genome editing on porcine embryo and production of gentically modified pigs by electroporation methodology.
Speaker: Fuminori Tanihara (Tokushima University)
Date: 2020 2/13 16:00-17:15

Prof. David J Argyle (The University of Edinburgh) will provide special lecture. Title:1. Introduction of the University of Edinburgh
   2. Research on Comparative Cancer Biology
Speaker: Prof. David J Argyle(The University of Edinburgh)
Date:  December 6, 14:30-16:00
Place:  Main building of YUJVM, 2F, Large Conference room

Academic Seminar will be held on 11/21(Th). Title: Nutrient-mediated regulation of cellular metabolic signaling.
Speaker: Shusaku Shibutani
Date: 16:00~、11/21 (Th)、2019

Veterinary Science Sminar "New findings on animal reproductive function by analyzing bovine hypothalamus" will be held on 10/16 (wed)16:00~17:00. The lecture will be given by Prof. Hiroya Kadokawa. pdf

September 19th, 2019
Symposium on cancer science will be held. Date: 10/9 (Wed), 15:00~17:30
(1)Dr. Fuyuki Ishikawa (Kyoto University, Graduate School of Biostudies)
    Title: Biological significance of low-dose stress.
(2)Dr. Makoto Nakanishi (The University of Tokyo, The Institute of Medical Science)
    Title: Roles of senescent cells in individual aging.
Organizer: Midori Shimada

September 5th, 2019
Veterinary Special Seminar by Prof. Ai Takano will be held on 9/6, 15:30~. 
Date: 9/6 (Fri), 2019
Title: Epidemiology and Basic Research on tick-borne infectious diseases
Presentator: Ai Takano (Laboratory of Veterinary Epidemiology, Yamaguchi University)

July 19th, 2019
48th Veterinary Science Special Seminar title: Current status of Research on protozoal disease prevention in fish farming
speaker: Dr. Sho Shirakashi (Kinki University, Aquiaculture research institute)
date: 2019 8/7 16:00~17:00

July 2th, 2019
47th Veterinary Science Special Seminar Speaker: Dr. Akihiko Uda (National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Department of Veterinary Science)
Title: Identification of Pathogenetic Factors of Francisella tularensis and Research on Host Factors for Protection from infection.
Date: 2, Jul, (Tue) 17:30~

June 26th, 2019
Speaker: Dr. Daisuke Hayasaka (Nagasaki University, Institute of Tropical Medicine) Title: Establishment of Epidemiology, Pathobiology, Diagnosis, and Prevention of arbovirus diseases. Date: 26, June, (Wed), 15:00~

June 5th, 2019
46th veterinary science special lecture "Basis of artificial intelligene (AI) and possibility of its application to veterinary medicine" will be held on 6/6 16:00~.
The lecture will be provided by Dr. Takayuki Ishida (Division of Health Sciences, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)

Speaker:Dr. Takayuki Ishida (Division of Health Sciences, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)
Date: 6/6, 2019, 16:00~
Room: 4F, the large seminar room

May 28th, 2019
Veterinary Science Sminar "viral evolution and their receptors" will be held.
29,May (wed)16:00~17:00.
The lecture will be given by Prof. Kazuo Nishigaki.

April 24th, 2019
75th Veterinary Science Seminar Speaker: Dr. Yasuho Taura Title: Imaging Diagnosis Support in Large Animal Clinic Date: 24, Apr, 16:00~17:00

February 15th, 2019
Symposium on Regulation of Cancer Proliferation will be held.   22, March (Fri)  13:30~  @2F seminar room

February 9th, 2019
The 3rd International Symposium in Veterinary Science was held at Airlangaa University in Indonesia to promote collaboration and partnership between Indonesia and Japanese Veterinary University.

January 17th, 2019
Student-organized Special seminar was held. “Microbe-Immune interaction through leukocyte receptor complex”
Presentator: Dr. Kohyuki Hirayasu

January 12th, 2019
Symposium by Translational Research Unit for Small Animal Cancer was held. Presentators:
Dr. Takuya Mizuno, Dr. Shusaku Shibutani, Dr. Ryouichi Tsunedomi,
Dr. Kyoko Miura, Dr. Manabu Watanabe