わたしたちの身の回りにある様々な現象たとえば、天体の運動大気の変動、地震に揺れ、水面に観測される波、電子機器の中を流れる電流、素粒子の状態など、これらはすべて微分方程式によって記述されると考えられています。そして、このような微分方程式の解の性質を数学的に調べることにより実際の現象を予測、再現できることが期待されます。微分方程式の研究は、純粋に数学的な興味の対象というだけではなく、物理学や工学への応用面においても非常に重要な役割をはたしています。その中でも、私の研究対象は、主に「波動方程式」とよばれる、水面の起伏の変化や空気中を伝わる音、地震波や電磁波などを記述する偏微分方程式で、これらの方程式の解の性質を、微分積分学を基礎とする解析学的手法を用いて調べています。 |
![]() ![]() 円盤上の波の伝播 (解説と長時間の挙動の映像) |
1. 伝播速度が時間に依存する波動方程式におけるエネルギーの漸近安定性について | [HW08], [HW09], [H10a], [H10c], [BuH11], [BoH12], [BuH11] |
2. 特異性を持つ変数係数双曲型方程式の初期値問題の適切性について | [CH08], [CHR08a], [CHR08b], [H10b], [HI13] |
3. 非線形双曲型方程式の大域可解性について | [HIP13], [H15] |
年度 | 講演タイトル, 研究集会名など | アブストラクト | スライド |
"Wave models with structural properties of the time-dependent non-effective mass", 第31回松山キャンプ, 山口大学理学部 (January 4-6). | |||
"変数係数波動方程式の初期値問題の解析とその応用", 南大阪応用数学セミナー, 大阪市立大学(November 28). | |||
"変数係数波動方程式の初期値問題の解析とその応用", 愛媛大学解析セミナー (November 21) | |||
"On the energy estimates for the wave equations with decaying propagation speed", 武蔵野偏微分方程式研究集会, 日本医科大学 (October 10-12, 2015). | |||
"時間に依存する係数を持つ波動方程式の解析とその応用", 日本数学会秋季合分科会関数方程式分科会特別講演, 京都産業大学 (September 13-16, 2015). | ○ | ○ | |
"A class of non-analytic functions for the global solvability of Kirchhoff equation", Recent progress in evolution equations, Guangdong University of Finance, Guangzhou, China (August 10-12, 2015). | |||
2015 | "On the energy estimates for the wave equations with decaying propagation speed", 10th ISAAC Congress (Recent Progress in Evolution Equations) at University of Macau, Macau (August 3-8, 2015). | ||
"On the energy estimates of the wave equation with time dependent propagation speed asymptotically monotone functions", 日本数学会年会函数方程式分科会, 明治大学 (March 21-24, 2015). |
"On the energy estimate for Klein-Gordon type equation with non-effective time-dependent potential", 第30回松山キャンプ, 山口大学理学部 (January 4-6, 2015). | |||
"On the energy estimates for the wave equation with oscillating and decaying coefficient II", 釧路偏微分方程式研究集会, 北海道教育大学釧路校 (October 11-13, 2014). | |||
"A class of non-analytic functions for the global solvability of Kirchhoff equation", The 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems Differential Equations and Applications, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain (July 7-11, 2014). | |||
"Kirchhoff equation and Manfrin's class in the ultra-differentiable setting", PDE seminar at TU Bergakademine Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany (July 4, 2014). | |||
"変数係数波動方程式と Kirchhoff 方程式の大域可解性", 関数方程式セミナー(九州大学), 福岡大学セミナーハウス (June 13, 2014). | |||
2014 | "変数係数波動方程式と Kirchhoff 方程式の大域可解性", 神楽坂解析セミナー, 東京理科大学 (May 24, 2014). | ||
"Some classes of non-analytic functions for the global solvability of Kirchhoff equation", "On second order weakly hyperbolic equations and the ultradifferentiable classes", 日本数学会2014年度年会, 学習院大学 (March 15-18, 2014). | |||
"A class of non-analytic functions for the global solvability of Kirchhoff equation", 第29回松山キャンプ, 山口大学理学部 (January 4-6, 2014). | |||
"A class of non-analytic functions for the global solvability of Kirchhoff equation", The 20th "Microlocal Analysis and Classical Analysis", 京都大学 (November 21-23, 2013). | |||
"On second order weakly hyperbolic equations and the ultradifferentiable classes", Linear and Nonlinear Waves, No. 11, ピアザ淡海, 滋賀県大津市 (October 30-November 1, 2013). | |||
"A class of non-analytic functions for the global solvability of Kirchhoff equation", 大宰府偏微分方程式研究集会, 九州情報大学 (October 12-14, 2013). | |||
"On second order weakly hyperbolic equations and the ultradifferentiable classes", 9th ISAAC Congress (Qualitative Properties of Evolution Models) at Pedagogical University of Cracow, Cracow, Poland (August 5-10, 2013). | |||
2013 | "Some classes of non-analytic functions for the global solvability of Kirchhoff equation", PDE seminar at TU Bergakademine Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany (August 1, 2013). | ||
"Ultradifferentiable class の係数を持つ退化波動方程式の適切性について", 第28回松山キャンプ, 山口大学理学部 (January 4-6, 2013). | |||
"On second order weakly hyperbolic equations and the ultradifferentiable classes",「第19回超局所解析と古典解析」研究集会, かんぽの宿北九州 (November 23-25, 2012). | |||
"On second order weakly hyperbolic equations and the ultradifferentiable classes", 函館偏微分方程式研究集会, 公立はこだて未来大学 (October 6-8, 2012). | |||
"On the wave equation with variable propagation speed", 20th ICFIDCAA, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Ha-Noi, Vietnam (July 29 - August 3, 2012). | |||
2012 | "On second order weakly hyperbolic equations and the ultradifferentiable classes", Fourier Analysis and Partial Differential Operators, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland (June 25-29, 2012). | ||
"On the global solvability for semilinear wave equations with smooth propagation speeds", The 4th Nagoya Workshop on Differential Equations, 名古屋大学 (March 5-7, 2012). | |||
"Energy estimates and diagonalization for hyperbolic equations with time dependent coefficients", Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Hanoi University of Science and Technology 集中講義, Hanoi, Vietnam (January 9-13, 2012). | |||
"双曲型方程式系のエネルギー評価における Levi 条件について", 第27回松山キャンプ, 山口大学理学部 (January 4-7, 2012). |
2011 | "On the global solvability for semilinear wave equations with smooth propagation speeds", Fifth International Conference on Complex Analysis & Dynamical Systems, Akko, Israel (May 22-27, 2011). | ||
"On the energy estimates for second order homogeneous hyperbolic equations with Levi-type conditions", 26th Matsuyama Camp: Recent Development on Partial Differential Equations, Kyoto, Japan (January 6-9, 2011). | |||
"On the energy estimates for second order homogeneous hyperbolic equations with Levi-type conditions", Microlocal Day #2 at Imperial College London, London, UK (December 3, 2010). | |||
"On the energy estimates of second order hyperbolic equations with time dependent coefficients", 新潟偏微分方程式研究集会, 新潟大学 (October 9-11, 2010). | |||
"Generalized energy conservation for Klein-Gordon type equations", 日本数学会秋季総合分科会 関数解析学分科会, 名古屋大学 (September 22-25, 2010). | |||
"On the energy estimates of second order hyperbolic equations with time dependent coefficients, 第六回非線形の諸問題, 山口大学理学部 (September 16, 2010). | |||
"On the energy estimates of second order hyperbolic equations with time dependent coefficients", Methods of Modern Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Hanoi University of Science, Hanoi, Vietnam (August 28, 2010). | |||
"On the Cauchy problem for second order hyperbolic equations", Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Hanoi University of Technology 集中講義, Hanoi, Vietnam (August 25-26, 2010). | |||
"On the energy estimates of second order hyperbolic equations with time dependent coefficients", PDE seminar at TU Bergakademine Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany (June 21, 2010). | |||
2010 | "On the energy estimates of second order hyperbolic equations with time dependent coefficients", Workshop on Fourier Analysis and Partial Differential Equations at Universtiy of Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany (June 14-17, 2010). | ||
"Genaralized energy conservation for Klein-Gordon equations with effective mass terms", 発展方程式シンポジウム, 東海大学理学部 (March 10-12, 2010). | |||
"Fourier analysis and its application to partial differential equations", Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Hanoi University of Technology 集中講義, Hanoi, Vietnam (March 1-6, 2010). | |||
"Gevrey class の係数を持つKlein-Gordon型方程式のエネルギー評価", 松山キャンプ, 愛媛県総合社会福祉会館 (January 4-7, 2010). | |||
"Energy estimates for wave equations with time dependent propagation speeds of Gevrey class", 微分方程式の総合的研究, 東京大学 (December 18-19, 2009). | |||
"Kirchhoff 方程式と変係数波動方程式", 八王子偏微分方程式研究集会, 八王子セミナーハウス (October 9-11, 2009). | |||
"Wave equations with time depending propagation speed", 17th ICFIDCAA at Ho Chi Minh City University of Pedagogy, Ho-Chi-Minh, Vietnam (August 3-8, 2009). | |||
"Wave equations with time dependent coefficients", 7th ISAAC Congress (Dispersive Equations) at Imperial College London, London, UK (July 13-18, 2009). | |||
"振動する係数を持つ消散型波動方程式のエネルギー減衰評価について", 九州関数方程式セミナー, 福岡大学セミナーハウス (June 12, 2009). | |||
"変数係数波動方程式のエネルギー評価について", 広島数理解析セミナー, 広島大学 (May 22, 2009). | |||
2009 | "変数係数波動方程式のエネルギー評価について", 愛媛大学解析セミナー, 愛媛大学 (May 16, 2009). | ||
"変数係数波動方程式の解の安定性について", 日本数学会年会, 関数解析学分科会特別講演, 東京大学 (March 26-29, 2009). | |||
"Energy estimates for wave equations with time dependent coefficients", 24th 松山キャンプ, 山口大学 (March 14-16, 2009). | |||
"Gevrey class の係数を持つ波動方程式のエネルギー評価について", 米子偏微分方程式研究集会, 米子高専 (October 11-13, 2008). | |||
"Generalized energy conservation law for the wave equations with time dependent propagation speed", 広島微分方程式研究集会, 広島大学 (October 10-11, 2008). | |||
"On wave equations with time dependent coefficients of the Gevrey class", Scientific program of the workshop "Evolution equations" at TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany (October 1-2, 2008). | |||
2008 | "Generalized energy conservation law for wave equations with variable coefficients", Analysis Group Seminar at Imperial College London, London, UK (September 26, 2008). | ||
"C^m-theory of damped wave equations with stabilization", 日本数学会年会函数方程式論分科会, 近畿大学 (March 22-26, 2008). | |||
"C^m-theory of damped wave equations with stabilization", International Symposium "Function Spaces and Partial Differential Equations" at Osaka University, Japan (February 18-20, 2008). | |||
"振動する消散項を持つ波動方程式のエネルギー減衰について", 第23回松山キャンプ, 山口大学 (January 4-7, 2008). | |||
"On the asymptotic behavior of the solutions for second order ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients", 山中湖偏微分方程式研究集会, 東海大学山中湖セミナーハウス (October 6-8, 2007). | |||
2007 | "On the well-posedness for second order weakly hyperbolic Cauchy problems under the influences of the regularity of the coefficients", 6th ISAAC Congress (Dispersive Equations) at Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey (August 13-18, 2007). | ||