
Tsutsumi's group (Energy & Functional Materials), Yamaguchi University

Japanese / English

What's new


Sep. 30 Conguratulation !!!

Congratulations to Ryansu Sai (Doctoral candidate) on being selected as a JSPS Research Fellow!

Aug. 21 The publication of the recent OER work in ChemPhysChem


Congratulations to Asuka Morinaga (Graduate student), Hiromori Tsutsumi, and Yu Katayama
on the publication of the recent OER work in ChemPhysChem!

May Prof. Katayama visited Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Prof. Katayama visited Electrochemical Energy Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Great to see everyone in the lab!
Also, big congratulations to group members who recieved their PhDs at MIT's June commencement.

We very much look forward to working with you in the years to come.

Mar. 20 Graduation ceremony

Congratulations on your graduation!
Five master's students, Mr. Isobe, Ms. Kizima, Mr. Kemmizaki, Ms. Hirata and Ms. Luo graduated from our group this year.
We hope even greater success in your future career!
We are looking forward to seeing you at the lab alumni meeting.

Feb. 21 Graduation research session & Graduation party




Six undergrads presented summary of their research.

B101「金属-硫黄間相互作用のLi-S電池正極設計への応用」Natsuho Kazahaya
B102「側鎖にエーテル基を有するポリオキセタンの合成とそのリチウムイオン電池電解質への応用」Tomofumi Soma
B103「添加塩アニオンサイズがポリオキセタン系電解質の物性に与える影響」Riho Matsuoka
B116「硫黄含有分子を表面修飾した白金触媒上でのアンモニア酸化反応挙動」Noriyuki Matsumura
B117「電界紡糸法を用いた銅-高分子複合ファイバーの合成とその電気化学的特性評価」Asuka Morinaga
B118「側鎖ニトリル基を複数有するポリオキセタン系電解質の合成とその特性評価」Shohei Yuasa

After the presentation, graduation party was held.
During the party, undergraduate student Riho Matsuoka and Asuka Morinaga won the Best Presentation Award.
And Natsuho Kazahaya and Yuta Kemmizaki ware received CSJ Chugoku-Shikoku Award and Tokiwa Award, respectively.
Congratulations, both of you!

Feb. 15
Master’s thesis session



Master’s thesis session in faculty of engineering was held.
Five master's students presented their results focused on future energy storage devices or corrosion protection technology.

001「Tetrahalogeno-ferrate(III)を錯アニオンとする溶媒和イオン液体のリチウム二次電池カソライトへの応用」Yuta Kemmizaki
019「ポリオキセタン-酸化チタンナノ粒子複合型電解質の創成とその特性評価」Ryutaro Isobe
020「ポリオキセタン系電解質の特性に与える側鎖アルキル鎖長の影響」Seiko Hirata
021「ポリスルフィド結合を主鎖に有する硫黄-有機化合物共重合体の合成とその銅防食剤への応用」Geihi Luo
022「電界紡糸法によるCuO/Fe3O4チューブの調製とその有機物分解触媒への応用」Michika Kijima

Jan. 7
New Year's Party


We had New Year's Party at "I-SA-MI-YA" on this day.

Futhermore, January 8th is Prof. Yu Katayama's bisthday!
Happy birthday!
We sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO "YU" and ate various piece of cake at the party.

2018 What's new is here.

2017 What's new is here.

2016 What's new is here.

2015 What's new is here.

Hiromori Tsutsumi's Lab.
(Energy and Functional Materials)
Graduae School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation,
Faculty of Engineering, Applied Chemistry, Yamaguchi University

Faculty of Engineering Main Bulding Room 404 (Ube Campus)
2-16-1 Tokiwadai, Ube, Yamaguchi, Japan, 755-8611

TEL: +81-836-85-9282
FAX: +81-836-85-9201