Motion Management for Radiation therapy

Radiotherapy for tumors with respiratory migration, such as lung cancer and liver cancer, has the potential to increase side effects due to the increased radiation dose to normal organs because of the wider irradiation range. We are developing techniques to solve these problems and to perform radiotherapy safely.
Application of Robotics Technology to Radiotherapy
Robot technology has revolutionized the field of surgery, including the “da Vinci” surgical robot.
We are conducting research and development to realize the fusion of radiotherapy and robotics technology, aiming at the advancement of radiotherapy.

Application of Artificial Intelligence to Radiation Medicine

Research and development of artificial intelligence in medicine are rapidly progressing. Radiation medicine is performed by using medical images and computers for both treatment and diagnosis.
In order to maximize the power of medical staff involved in radiology, we are developing artificial intelligence models useful in the field of radiology.
Research on personalized radiation therapy using bioengineering
The anatomical and physiological functions of the human body can be represented by mathematical models. We are studying the relationship between anatomical information obtained from medical images and clinical information by applying biomechanical models to calculate the functional information of organs.


We are conducting research on medical radiation exposure and radiation measurement.