Development of a technique to estimate liver stiffness from 4DCT

Development of a technique for estimating liver stiffness from inspiratory/expiratory MRI images

We are performing a biological simulation of organs using Deformable image registration and a Biomechanical model. The above example shows the calculation of liver stiffness from four-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT) and inspiratory/expiratory MRI images. We compared the calculated values with the actual stiffness of the liver measured by MRI (Elastography) and verified the validity of the calculation method. We are applying these methods to various organs and analyzing the relationship with clinical data.
Development of lung stress map using four-dimensional CT images

Br J Radiol . 2023 Jul 4;20221149.
We have developed a technique to calculate and visualize the stress on the lungs caused by breathing by using 4D CT inspiratory/expiratory images and a biomechanical model. To evaluate the clinical usefulness of this technology, we evaluated the relationship between the stress map and pulmonary function tests evaluated by spirometry, and verified its clinical usefulness.
- Estimation of four-dimensional CT-based imaging biomarker of liver fibrosis using finite element method
K.Fujimoto, T.Shiinoki, Y.Yuasa.
Proc. SPIE 11313, Medical Imaging 2020: Image Processing, 113130J (10 March 2020); - Estimation of liver elasticity using the finite element method and four-dimensional computed tomography images as a biomarker of liver fibrosis
K.Fujimoto, T.Shiinoki, Y.Yuasa and H.Tanaka
Med Phys 2021 Med Phys. 2021 Mar;48(3):1286-1298. - Comparing Estimated Liver Elasticity Based On the Finite Element Method to MR-Elastography for Distribution of Liver Fibrosis
K Fujimoto, T Shiinoki, Y Yuasa, Y Kawazoe, M Yamane, T Sera, H Tanaka
AAPM 2021, 63rd Annual Meeting. - Assessing liver fibrosis distribution through liver elasticity estimates obtained using a biomechanical model of respiratory motion with magnetic resonance elastography
K. Fujimoto, T. Shiinoki, Y. Yuasa, Y. Kawazoe, M. Yamane, T. Sera, H. Tanaka
Phys Med Biol. 2022 Jul 19;67(15). doi: 10.1088/1361-6560/ac7d35. - Usefulness of 4DCT-Based Elasticity Map for Function Preserving Liver Radiotherapy Treatment Planning
T Sera, T Shiinoki, K Fujimoto, Y Yuasa, Y Kawazoe, H Tanaka.
AAPM 2021, 63rd Annual Meeting.
Research Grants
- 四次元CTから肝線維症を捉える革新的硬度マップ構築法の開発と放射線治療への応用
文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(若手研究) - 頭頸部放射線治療中の腫瘍硬度イメージを用いた患者個別化支援システムの開発
文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(若手研究)