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  • 藤嶽暢英,浅川大地,柳由貴子 (2012). 13C NMR並びに高速排除クロマトグラフィーによる土壌腐植酸の特徴付け. 分析化学, 61, 287〜298.
  • Yanagi Y, Kitayama K, Tahara H, Fujitake N (2011). Decolorization of soil fulvic acids by laccases from Trametes versicolor and Trametes villosa.  Humic Substances Research, 8, 7〜11.
  • Asakawa D, Iimura Y, Kiyota T, Yanagi Y, Fujitake N (2011). Molecular size fractionation of soil humic acids using preparative high performance size-exclusion chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 1218, 6448〜6453.
  • Tsuda K, Mori H, Asakawa D, Yanagi Y, Kodama H, Nagao S, Yonebayashi K, Fujitake N (2010). Characterization and grouping of aquatic fulvic acids isolated from clear-water rivers and lakes in Japan. Water Research, 44, 3837〜3846.
  • Yanagi Y, Yoda K, Ogura K, Fujitake N (2008). Population of humic acid degrading microorganisms in Andosols under different vegetation types and grassland management regimens. Microbes and Environments, 23, 44〜48.
  • Asakawa D, Kiyota T, Yanagi Y, Fujitake N (2008). Optimization of conditions for high-performance size exclusion chromatography of different soil humic acids. Analytical Sciences, 24, 607〜613.
  • Asakawa D, Mochizuki H, Yanagi Y, Fujitake N (2007). Characterization of hydrophobic acid fractions in water-soluble organic matter in Dystric Cambisol and in a stream in a small forested watershed: Seasonal and vertical variations in chemical properties. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 53, 551〜561.
  • Asakawa D, Mochizuki H, Yanagi Y, Suzuki S, Nagao S, Fujitake N (2006). Changes in elemental composition, molecular weight and 1H NMR spectra of the water-extractable hydrophobic acid fraction in Cambisol with season and soil depth. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 52,361〜370.
  • Asakawa D, Mochizuki H, Yanagi Y, Suzuki T, Nagao S, Fujitake N (2006). Effects of operational conditions for extraction and sample storage on the structural properties of water-extractable humic substances in soil. Humic Substances Research, 3, 15〜24.
  • Kobayashi T, Asakawa D, Yanagi Y, Suzuki T, Watanabe M, Ohta H, Fujitake N (2005). Method for estimating the content of the chloroform-extractable green fraction (CEFG) in HCl- DMSO extract of soils. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 51, 501〜508.
  • 柳由貴子,藤嶽暢英,渡邊眞紀子 (2004). 生成年代の異なる埋没腐植酸の担子菌Coriolus consorsによる褪色特性—愛鷹ロームを事例にして—. 第四紀研究,43,367〜373.
  • Yanagi Y, Hamaguchi S, Tamaki H, Suzuki T, Otsuka H, Fujitake N (2003). Relation of chemical properties of soil humic acids to decolorization by white rot fungus - Coriolus consors. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 49, 201〜206.
  • Fujitake N, Kusumoto A, Yanagi Y, Suzuki T, Otsuka H (2003). Properties of soil humic substances in fractions obtained by sequential extraction with pyrophosphate solutions at different pHs : III. FT-IR and 1H NMR spectra of humic acids. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 49, 347〜353.
  • Fujitake N, Strynar M J, Mishima T, Tsukamoto M, Yanagi Y, Suzuki T, Otsuka H, Bollag J –M (2003). Optimization of a methylation procedure to obtain chloroform-soluble humic acids. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 49, 453〜457.
  • Yanagi Y, Tamaki H, Otsuka H, Fujitake N (2002). Comparison of decolorization by microorganisms of humic acids with different 13C NMR properties. Soil Biol. Biochem., 34, 729〜731.



  • Yanagi Y, Makino S, Miyagawa T, Fujitake N (2010). Effect of clay minerals on the fungal degradation of humic acid. Proceedings 15th International Meetings of International Humic Substances Society, 2, 321〜324.
  • 柳由貴子 (2009).腐植物質研究の基礎講座 その3. 腐植物質を生物試験に用いるために. Humic Substances Research, 5/6, 1〜5.
  • Yanagi Y, Yoda K, Ogura N, Fujitake N (2008). Population of humic acid degrading microorganisms under different soil types and vegetation types. Proceedings 14th International Meetings of International Humic Substances Society, 2, 503〜506.
  • Yanagi Y, Kitayama K, Suzuki T, Fujitake N (2004). Changes in structural properties of humic substances transformed by enzymatic reactions. Proceedings 12th International Meetings of International Humic Substances Society, 425〜427.
  • Fujitake N, Ahsan KN, Yanagi Y, Asakawa D, Suzuki T, Kodama H, Nagao S, Tani M (2004). Characterization of humic substances in various soils and waters by 13C NMR Spectroscopy. Proceedings12th International Meetings of International Humic Substances Society, 386〜388.
  • 時本景亮,長谷部公三郎,松本晃幸,川上佐知子,柳由貴子 (2004). 抗腫瘍性多糖レンチナン高含有のシイタケ品種の開発とその利用. 2003年度民間結集型アグリビジネス創出技術開発事業成果報告書,55〜71.
  • Yanagi Y, Kiyota K, Suzuki T, Otsuka H, Fujitake N (2003). Reactivity of enzymes to humic substances. Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta, 67, A558.
  • Fujitake N, Yanagi Y (2003). Relation between biostability and chemical properties of soil humic substances. Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta, 67, A112.
  • Yanagi Y, Fujitake N, Okuhara S, Kiyota K, Suzuki T, Otsuka H, Bollag J-M (2002). Changes in molecular weight distribution of humic acid by enzymatic decolorization. Proceedings 11th International Meetings of International Humic Substances Society, 227〜228.
  • Yanagi Y, Fujitake, Suzuki T, Otsuka H (2000). Comparison of microbial decolorization among humic acids with different chemical properties. Proceedings 10th International Meetings of International Humic Substances Society, 2, 847〜850.