Proof-of-concept study of the caninized anti-canine programmed death 1 antibody in dogs with advanced non-oral malignant melanoma solid tumors
The research results of Dr. Takuya Mizuno (Clinical Veterinary Science) and Dr. Masaya Igasse (Clinical Veterinary Science) of the Division of Translational Research for One Medicine , was posted on the University’s website.
Please click the following link for details.
犬のがんに対する免疫チェックポイント分子阻害抗体医薬(抗PD-1犬化抗体)の適応拡大が期待~犬の扁平上皮癌と未分化肉腫に治療が奏効した初報告~ |国立大学法人山口大学HP