Donation Methods

Donate Online via web form

Credit Card
- Use the web form
- Credit Card
Pay by internet banking (Pay-easy)
- Apply via the web form
- login
- Pay by Pay-easy
Bank transfer via paper form(Within Japan Only)
- Apply via the web form
- We will send a form at a later date.
- Transfer from designated financial institutions
Financial institution:
- Yamaguchi Bank
- Yamaguchi Branch
- Ordinary (Futsu) Account
- 5040194
- National University Corporation Yamaguchi University
- President Yukio Tanizawa
- Saikyo Bank
- Yamaguchi Branch
- Ordinary (Futsu) Account
- 2064851
- National University Corporation Yamaguchi University
- President Yukio Tanizawa
- Nishi-Nippon City Bank
- Ube Branch
- Ordinary (Futsu) Account
- 1139533
- National University Corporation Yamaguchi University
- President Yukio Tanizawa
- Mizuho Bank
- Yamaguchi Branch
- Ordinary (Futsu) Account
- 1816200
- National University Corporation Yamaguchi University
- President Yukio Tanizawa
- Japan Post Bank/Post Office
- 01300-4-88796
- National University Corporation Yamaguchi University
About Receipts
For credit card, internet banking, or bank transfer payments:
A receipt will be sent after Yamaguchi University receives the donation from the credit card company or payment service.
For this reason, please allow one to two months from the donation date for a receipt to be issued.
The date on the receipt will be the date Yamaguchi University receives payment, not the date of application or the date of transfer from the credit card account.
For cash payments, the date of receipt will be the date of donation and a receipt will be issued on the spot.