国際シンポジウムのお知らせ 3月4日(月)

第10回 センターシンポジウム(ALCA/JSTワークショップ)



【会場】山口大学 大学会館2階会議室

    〒753-8511 山口市吉田1677-1

【日時】2019年3月4日(月) 13:00~17:30





-10th YU-RCTMR symposium and ALCA/JST Workshop-

The International Symposium on Cellular Responses, Adaptation and Fermentation in Stress Environments


2019, 3, 4 (Mon) 13:00-17:30

University Hall (meeting room, 2nd floor), Yamaguchi University

1677-1 Yoshida, Yamaguchi, 753-8511, Japan

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Free of charge

No registration required



13:00 Opening Remarks Kazunobu Matsushita
(Yamaguchi Univ.)
13:05 Thermotolerance of mesophilic microorganisms Mamoru Yamada
(Yamaguchi Univ.)
13:45 Algae sense exact temperatures: Analyses of small heat shock proteins at the survival threshold temperature in microalgae Osami Misumi
(Yamaguchi Univ.)
14:25 A heat-inducible lipase remodels chloroplastic glycerolipids in Arabidopsis leaves under heat stress Yasuhiro Higashi
(RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science, Japan)
15:15 Coffee break  
15:30 Polygenic analysis of stress tolerance traits for development of superior industrial yeast strains Johan Thevelein
(Institute of Botany and Microbiology, KU Leuven, Belgium)
16:20 ARTP mutagenesis and high throughput automated microdroplet adaptive evolution system for smart engineering of microbial tolerances and productivities Xin-Hui Xing
(Institute of Biochemical Engineering, Tsinghua Univ., China)
17:10 Closing Remarks Hisashi Hoshida
(Yamaguchi Univ.)

Contact address: 083-933-5858, rctmr@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp (Research Center for Thermotolerant Microbial Resources, Yamaguchi University)


【問合せ先】山口大学中高温微生物研究センター 083-933-5858, rctmr@yamaguchi-u.ac.jp