

研究業績Research Achievement



Yoshimoto T, Chaya T, Varner LR, Ando M, Tsujii T, Motooka D, Kimura K, Furukawa T. The Rax homeoprotein in Müller glial cells is required for homeostasis maintenance of the postnatal mouse retina. J Biol Chem. 2023 Dec;299(12):105461. doi: 10.1016/j.jbc.2023.105461.

Hatano M, Wakuta M, Yamamoto K, Arai E, Enoki M, Fujimoto K, Yamauchi K, Ishikawa K, Sonoda KH, Kimura K. Use of Ranibizumab for evaluating focal laser combination therapy for refractory diabetic macular edema patients: an exploratory study on the RELAND trials. Sci Rep 13, 22965, 2023 Dec 27. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-48665-6

Hayashi K, Labios RJ, Morita T, Ashimori A, Aoki R, Mikuni M, Kimura K. Significance of the p38MAPK-CRP2 axis in myofibroblastic phenotypic transition.Cell Struct Funct. 2023 Oct; 48(2):199-210. doi: 10.1247/csf.23060.

東島 史明,鈴木 亨,佐久間 彩乃,木村 和博:ティア―トラフ切開を用いた涙嚢鼻腔吻合術鼻外法.眼科手術 第36巻 第2号305-309ページ,2023年4月

Morita T, Hayashi K:Regulation of Arp5 expression by alternative splicing coupled to nonsense-mediated RNA decay. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2023 May; 657:50-58.doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2023.03.047.

Morita T, Hayashi K: Actin-related protein 5 suppresses the cooperative activation of cardiac gene transcription by myocardin and MEF2. FEBS Open Bio 2023 Feb; 13(2):363-379. doi: 10.1002/2211-5463.13549.

Hayashi K, Horoiwa S, Mori K, Miyata H, Labios RJ, Morita T, Kobayashi Y, Yamashiro C, Higashijima F, Yoshimoto T, Kimura K, Nakagawa Y:Role of CRP2-MRTF interaction in functions of myofibroblasts. Cell Struct Funct 2023 May; 48(1):83-98.doi: 10.1247/csf.23004.

Kaneyasu H, Takahashi K, Ohta N, Okada S, Kimura S, Yasuno S, Murata S, Katsura S, Yamada N, Shiraishi K, Tsuda J, Miyai S, Kurahashi H, Hasegawa S, Shimomura Y. Novel compound heterozygous mutations in the PLEC gene in a neonate with epidermolysis bullosa simplex with pyloric atresia. J Dermatol. 2023 Feb;50(2):239-244. doi: 10.1111/1346-8138.16553. Epub 2022 Aug 23. PMID: 35996939.

Higashijima F,Hasegawa M,Yoshimoto T,Kobayashi Y,Wakuta M,Kimura K:Molecular mechanisms of TGFß-mediated EMT of retinal pigment epithelium in subretinal fibrosis of age-related macular degeneration.Front Ophthalmol. 01 March 2023.doi: 10.3389/fopht.2022.1060087.

Yoneda K, Takeuchi M, Yasukawa T, Terasaki H, Yamamoto Y, Jujo T, Wakuta M, Matsubara H, Mitamura Y, Kato A, Kondo M, Kimura K, Takagi H, Gomi F, Sakamoto T; Japanese Clinical Retinal Study (J-CREST) Group. Anti-VEGF Treatment Strategies for 3 Subtypes of Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration in a Clinical Setting: A Multicenter Cohort Study in Japan. Ophthalmol Retina. 2023 Oct;7(10):869-878. doi: 10.1016/j.oret.2023.06.002.

Sugisawa T, Ishikawa H, Uchida K, Takesue Y, Mori J, Kinoshita T, Morikawa S, Okamoto F, Sawada T, Ohji M, Kanda T, Takeuchi M, Miki A, Kusuhara S, Ueda T, Ogata N, Sugimoto M, Kondo M, Yoshida S, Ogata T, Kimura K, Mitamura Y, Jujo T, Takagi H, Terasaki H, Sakamoto T, Komuku Y, Gomi F. Risk Factors for Legal Blindness in 77 Japanese Patients with Endogenous Endophthalmitis: A Multicenter Cohort Study from J-CREST. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2023 Sep;31(7):1505-1512. doi: 10.1080/09273948.2022.2112237.

Sawada T, Yasukawa T, Imaizumi H, Matsubara H, Kimura K, Terasaki H, Ishikawa H, Murakami T, Takeuchi M, Mitamura Y, Mizusawa Y, Takamura Y, Murata T, Kogo J, Ohji M. Subtype prevalence and baseline visual acuity by age in Japanese patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Jpn J Ophthalmol. 2023 Mar;67(2):149-155. doi: 10.1007/s10384-023-00981-0.

Yoshimura A, Ishikawa H, Uchida K, Takesue Y, Mori J, Kinoshita T, Morikawa S, Okamoto F, Sawada T, Ohji M, Kanda T, Takeuchi M, Miki A, Kusuhara S, Ueda T, Ogata N, Sugimoto M, Kondo M, Yoshida S, Ogata T, Kimura K, Mitamura Y, Jujo T, Takagi H, Terasaki H, Sakamoto T, Sugisawa T, Komuku-Yamamoto Y, Gomi F. Risk Factors for Legal Blindness in 237 Japanese Patients with Exogenous Endophthalmitis: A Multicenter Cohort Study from J-CREST. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2023 Jan 26:1-9. doi: 10.1080/09273948.2023.2165111.


緒方 惟彦,:ブロルシズマブ使用DME症例での課題.Retina update seminar in Chugoku ~DME治療の課題抽出と最適な治療の考察~,山口県,2023/12/08

湧田 真紀子,能美 なな実,青木 連,東島 史明,緒方 惟彦,太田 真実,木村 和博:加齢黄斑変性に対する抗新生血管療法におけるfaricimabへの切替効果の検討.第62回日本網膜硝子体学会総会,神奈川県,2023/11/24

有吉 伸顕,柳井 亮二,新川 邦圭,芳野 秀晃:急性網膜壊死に伴う網膜剥離に対して初回から輪状締結術を併用した硝子体手術の一例.第76回山口眼科手術懇話会,山口県,2023/11/11

佐久間 彩乃,岩本 菜奈子,三國 雅倫,中村 陸,濱田 和花,永井 智彦,山田 直之,木村 和博:涙道感染に合併した角膜穿孔眼に対して角膜・涙道同時手術を施行した一例.第76回山口眼科手術懇話会,山口県,2023/11/11

砂田 潤希,舩津 法彦,竹中 優嘉,芳川 里奈,内 翔平,寺西 慎一郎,木村 和博:マイボーム腺嚢胞の1例.第76回山口眼科手術懇話会,山口県,2023/11/11

柳井 亮二:角膜、水晶体の合併症に対する手術.第76回山口眼科手術懇話会,山口県,2023/11/11

山田 直之,佐久間 彩乃,中村 陸,岩本 菜奈子,木村 和博:3ステップ式細菌性・真菌性角膜炎診断表の試作.第3回瀬戸内オキュラーサーフェス倶楽部,広島県,2023/11/04

佐久間 彩乃,岩本 菜奈子,中村 陸,山田 直之,木村 和博:涙道感染に合併した角膜穿孔眼に対して角膜移植、涙道手術を同時に施行した一例.第3回瀬戸内オキュラーサーフェス倶楽部,広島県,2023/11/04

永井 智彦,芳川 里奈,内 翔平,寺西 慎一郎,木村 和博:アーメド緑内障バルブ手術後に施行したバルベルト緑内障インプラント手術の治療成績.第77回日本臨床眼科学会,東京都,2023/10/07

中村 陸,岩本 菜奈子,永井 智彦,山田 直之,木村 和博:治療的角膜移植を回避できた recipient側に及ぶ感染性角膜炎の一例.第77回日本臨床眼科学会,東京都,2023/10/07

柳井 亮二:ぶどう膜炎続発緑内障の薬物治療.第77回日本臨床眼科学会,東京都,2023/10/07

柳井 亮二,内 翔平,梅田 浩嗣,三島 克章,木村 和博:口唇口蓋裂に対する自家骨移植術後に急性発症したサルコイドーシスぶどう膜炎の一例.第51回日本臨床免疫学会,東京都,2023/10/06

緒方 惟彦:当院でのブロルシズマブ使用DME症例.Retina update seminar in Chugoku ~ベオビュって使えそう?~,広島県,2023/09/30

Ryoji Yanai,Uchi, S-H., Kondo, Y., Fujitsu, Y., Suzuki, K., Yoshimura, K., Kumagai, N:Uveitis in University Hospitals and Community Hospitals in Ube City Medical Region, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan: A Comparative Study.International Ocular Inflammation Society (IOIS),ドイツ,2023/09/08

東島 史明,青木 連,三國 雅倫,砂田 潤希,佐久間 彩乃,濱田 和花,緒方 惟彦,木村 和博:Prominin1 KO mouse における視細胞死に関連する遺伝子の探索.第25回眼創傷治癒研究会 日本眼科生体材料および再生医学合同研究会,山口県,2023/09/03

芦森 温茂,林 謙一郎,緒方 惟彦,東島 史明,佐久間 彩乃,濱田 和花,砂田 潤希,青木 連,三國 雅倫,木村 和博:P2Y2受容体の日内変動はリガンドであるUTPの薬効日内変動をもたらす.第25回眼創傷治癒研究会 日本眼科生体材料および再生医学合同研究会,山口県,2023/09/03

佐久間 彩乃,林 謙一郎,青木 連,三國 雅倫,砂田 潤希,濱田 和花,東島 史明,緒方 惟彦,森 湖太郎,中川 好秋,木村 和博:網膜下線維化に対するBenzoylphenyl ureaの抑制能評価.第25回眼創傷治癒研究会 日本眼科生体材料および再生医学合同研究会,山口県,2023/09/02

湧田 真紀子,緒方 惟彦,青木 連,東島 史明,太田 真実,能美 なな実,木村 和博:網膜静脈閉塞症に対する抗 VEGF 療法での再発傾向に関する検討.第39回日本眼循環学会,奈良県,2023/07/22

田村 佳尚,湧田 真紀子,木村 和博:傍乳頭血管腫に対して抗VEGF治療を施行した一例.第5回SKYカンファレンス,福岡県,2023/07/15

岩本 菜奈子,柳井 亮二,植田 喜一,木村 和博:角膜形状異常眼の乱視補正に対するユーソフト®の有用性.フォーサム2023大阪,大阪府,2023/07/09

柳井 亮二,岩本 菜奈子,植田 喜一 ,木村 和博:学童期の先天白内障術後の無水晶体眼に対してユーソフト®が有用であった一例.第65回日本コンタクトレンズ学会総会,大阪府,2023/07/09

柳井 亮二,内 翔平,近藤 由樹子,藤津 揚一郎,鈴木 克佳,吉村 佳子,熊谷 直樹:山口宇部医療圏におけるぶどう膜炎の大学病院と市中病院の疫学比較研究.第56回日本眼炎症学会,大阪府,2023/07/08

Waka Hamada,Makiko Wakuta, Manami Ota, Tadahiko Ogata, Yuka Kobayashi, Makoto Hatano, Kazuhiko Yamauchi, Kazuhiro Kimura:Severe Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease-like uveitis by combination therapy of two immune check point inhibitors for malignant melanoma.All English Web Live Seminar 2023,Web,2023/07/05

緒方 惟彦,寺西 慎一郎,東島 史明,太田 真実,湧田 真紀子,柳井 亮二,木村和博:チューブシャント手術後にプレート被膜切除を行った血管新生緑内障の一例.第29回日本糖尿病眼学会総会,北海道,2023/06/30

三國 雅倫,湧田 真紀子, 青木 連, 東島 史明, 太田 真実, 緒方 惟彦, 木村 和博:糖尿病黄斑浮腫へのブロルシズマブ投与後に副作用を認めた増殖糖尿病網膜症の2例.第29回日本糖尿病眼学会総会,北海道,2023/06/30

山田 直之:眼科指導医 Dr.O 角膜穿孔眼のマネージメント.第16回西日本オキュラーサーフェスクラブ,福岡県,2023/06/24

田村 佳尚,太田 真実,山田 直之,木村 和博:テルミサルタンによる角膜混濁が疑われた一例.第141回山口県眼科医会春季総会並びに集談会,山口県,2023/06/04

中村 陸,岩本 菜奈子,永井 智彦,山田 直之,木村 和博 : Graft-recipient間に跨る感染性角膜炎に対して薬物治療にて鎮静化を得た一例. 第75回山口眼科手術懇話会,山口県,2023/05/20

永井 智彦,芳川 里奈,内 翔平,寺西 慎一郎,木村 和博 : アーメド緑内障バルブ手術後に施行したバルベルト緑内障インプラント手術の治療成績. 第75回山口眼科手術懇話会,山口県,2023/05/20

三國 雅倫,柳井 亮二,高須 絵里,有吉 伸顕,吉田 悠真,西本 綾奈,新川 邦圭,芳野 秀晃,木村 和博 : 眼内鉄片異物に対して硝子体手術を併施して異物除去した一例. 第75回山口眼科手術懇話会.山口県,2023/05/20

佐久間 彩乃,林 謙一郎,濱田 和花,長谷川 実茄,東島 史明,吉本 拓矢,芦森 温茂,湧田 真紀子,森 湖太郎,中川 好秋,木村 和博:網膜下線維化に対するbenzoylphenyl ureaの抑制機能.第127回日本眼科学会,東京都,2023/04/06


柳井 亮二:日常みるぶどう膜炎の診療アップデート.徳島県眼科集談会,徳島県,2023/12/10

木村 和博:糖尿病黄斑浮腫の治療を再考してみる.第24回石見臨床眼科研究会,島根県,2023/12/02

木村 和博:DME診療 ~ベオビュを使ってみました~.DME Expert Meeting,東京都,2023/10/29

柳井 亮二:眼科医から見たサプリメントとの付き合い方.目の健康講座,山口県,2023/09/23

木村 和博:網膜変性疾患とロービジョンケア.第168回山口県医師会生涯研修セミナー,山口県,2023/09/03

柳井 亮二:角膜炎症からみたコンタクトレンズの不快感.千葉県コンタクトレンズセミナー,千葉県,2023/08/26

Ryoji Yanai:Tips and Tricks in Uveitis Clinic.Invited Lecture Series in Malaysia,web,2023/08/17

木村 和博:糖尿病網膜症治療の私的な取り組み.第8回うつくしま眼科研究会,福島県,2023/07/29

柳井 亮二:ぶどう膜炎の治療:現在と未来.わからん会,大阪府,2023/07/08

木村 和博:糖尿病黄斑浮腫の治療を再考してみる.第127回香川県眼科集談会,香川県,2023/07/02

木村 和博:症例から考える増殖性網膜疾患への私的な取り組み. 第48回ビト研,東京都,2023/05/26

木村 和博:糖尿病黄斑浮腫の治療を再考してみる.第114回秋田眼科集談会,秋田県,2023/04/22


柳井 亮二:ぶどう膜炎の疫学と鑑別疾患(総論).第77回日本臨床眼科学会,東京都,2023/10/06

木村 和博:糖尿病と水晶体・角膜合併症.第38回日本糖尿病合併症学会,岡山県,2023/10/20

柳井 亮二:ぶどう膜炎続発緑内障の薬物治療.第56回日本眼炎症学会,大阪府,2023/07/08


柳井 亮二:ぶどう膜炎と続発緑内障に対する治療アップデート.興和社内勉強会,山口県,2023/12/21

柳井 亮二:眼科医から見たサプリメントとの付き合い方.参天製薬社内勉強会,山口県,2023/10/12



Higashijima F,Hasegawa M,Yoshimoto T,Kobayashi Y,Wakuta M,Kimura K:Molecular mechanisms of TGF-β-mediated EMT of retinal pigment epithelium in subretinal fibrosis of age-related macular degeneration.Front Ophthalmol,in press

Kaneyasu H,Takahashi K,Ohta N,Okada S,Kimura S,Yasuno S,Murata S,Katsura S,Yamada N,Shiraishi K,Tsuda J,Miyai S,Hurahashi H,Hasegawa S,Shimomura Y:Novel compound heterozygous mutations in the PLEC gene in a neonate with epidermolysis bullosa simplex with pyloric atresia.J Dermatol 50:239-244,2023.doi:10.1111/1346-8138.1655

Sakuma A,Hasegawa M,Hamada W,Higashijima F,Yoshimoto T,Ogata T,Wakuta M,Orita T,Kimura K:Retinal pigment epithelial detachment associated with immunoglobulin A nephropathy: A case report.Case Rep Ophthalmol 13:834-841,2022.doi:10.1159/000526543

Hatano M,Higashijima F,Yoshimoto T,Ogata T,Ohta M,Kobayashi Y,Wakuta M,Yanai R,Kimura K:Evaluation of microaneurysms as predictors of therapeutic response to anti-VEGF therapy in patients with DME.PLoS One 17:e0277920,2022.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0277920

Kumada M,Sumi T,Iguchi M,Yamada N,Fukuda K,Yamashiro K:Atypical conjunctival hyaline deposition in a case of granular corneal dystrophy type 2.Am J Ophthalmol 240:e1-e2,2022.doi:10.1016/j.ajo.2022.04.012

Ohta M,Wakuta M,Sakuma A,Hasegawa M,Hamada W,Higashijima F,Yoshimoto T,Ogata T,Kobayashi Y,Kimura K:Evaluation of corneal hysteresis after pars plana vitrectomy combined phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation.Sci Rep 12:14630,2022.doi:10.1038/s41598-022-18299-1


山田 直之:角膜疾患について~大学に紹介する目安とその後~.第17 回やまぐち眼科スタッフ講習会,山口県,2023/03/12

佐藤 洋一:複視について.第17 回やまぐち眼科スタッフ講習会,山口県,2023/03/12

岩本 菜奈子,永井 智彦,山田 直之,木村 和博:全層角膜移植手術後に前眼部OCTによりデスメ膜剥離を形態的に観察できた1例.角膜カンファランス2023,神奈川県,2023/02/10

竹中 優嘉,岩本 菜奈子,永井 智彦,山田 直之,木村 和博:PKP後にデスメ膜剥離を生じる様子を前眼部OCTで捉えた1例.第180回九州大学眼科研究会,福岡県,2023/02/04

山田 直之:アトピー性皮膚炎患者で角膜ヘルペスを繰り返した症例.第68回山口アレルギー疾患研究会,山口県,2023/01/26

太田 真実,山城 知恵美,東島 史明,濱田 和花,湧田 真紀子,木村 和博:当院における未熟児網膜症に対するラニビズマブ硝子体注射による治療成績の検討.第61回日本網膜硝子体学会総会,大阪府,2022.12.03

原口 愛子,湧田 真紀子,太田 真実,緒方 惟彦,東島 史明,小林 由佳,木村 和博:硝子体手術後の黄斑浮腫により閉鎖不全を来した黄斑円孔に対しSTTAが有効であった一例.第61回日本網膜硝子体学会総会,大阪府,2022.12.03

湧田 真紀子,能美 なな実,芳川 里奈,東島 史明,緒方 惟彦,太田 真実,小林 由佳,木村 和博:滲出型加齢黄斑変性に対するアフリベルセプト単独治療からの脱落例に関する検討.第61回日本網膜硝子体学会総会,大阪府,2022.12.02

湧田 真紀子,山田 直之,竹中 優嘉,岩本 菜奈子,植田 喜一,木村 和博:白内障手術後に一過性のデスメ膜剥離を生じた一例.第74回山口眼科手術懇話会,山口県,2022.11.26

緒方 惟彦,柳井 亮二,太田 真実,舩津 法彦,東島 史明,木村 和博:硝子体出血を来した黄斑下出血の3例の原因について.第74回山口眼科手術懇話会,山口県,2022.11.26

岩本 菜奈子,永井 智彦,山田 直之,木村 和博:全層角膜移植手術と白内障手術同時手術におけるIOL挿入について.第74回山口眼科手術懇話会,山口県,2022.11.26

東島 史明,舩津 法彦,緒方 惟彦,太田 真実,柳井 亮二,木村 和博:当院における感染性眼内炎の治療成績.第74回山口眼科手術懇話会,山口県,2022.11.26

舩津 法彦,福村 美帆,中野 郁代,河野 清美,有吉 伸顕,長谷川 実茄,佐藤 洋一,本田 孝文,湧田 真紀子,木村 和博,大西 徹:2022年山口県ロービジョンケアネットワーク活動報告~ロービジョンフォーラムin下関を開催して~.第140回山口県眼科医会秋季総会並びに集談会,山口県,2022.11.20

原口 愛子,山本 和隆:中枢神経Germinoma及び高ナトリウム血症により両眼の視力低下を来した一症例.第140回山口県眼科医会秋季総会並びに集談会,山口県,2022.11.20

濱田 和花,名和田 隆司,竹本 洋介,堀 健志,湧田 真紀子,木村 和博:視神経周囲の病変を認め両眼の視神経症を併発したIgG4関連眼疾患の一例.第140回山口県眼科医会秋季総会並びに集談会,山口県,2022.11.20

緒方 惟彦,徳田 あゆみ,湧田 真紀子,太田 真実,東島 史明,小林 由佳,近藤 由樹子,木村 和博:眼皮膚白皮症の増殖糖尿病網膜症に硝子体手術による眼内光凝固が有効だった1例.第76回日本臨床眼科学会,東京都,2022.11.01

佐久間 彩乃,波多野 誠,東島 史明,太田 真実,緒方 惟彦,小林 由佳,湧田 真紀子,木村 和博:パクリタキセルの関与が疑われた難治性糖尿病黄斑浮腫の1例.第28回日本糖尿病眼学会,京都府,2022.10.22

Hamada W,Wakuta M,Ohta M,Ogata T,Kobayashi Y,Hatano M,Yamauchi K,Kimura K:Severe Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease-like uveitis by combination therapy of two immune check point inhibitors for malignant melanoma.The 15th Joint Meeting of Chinese-Japanese-Korean Ophthalmologists,web開催,2022.09.11

Hasegawa M,Wakuta M,Higashijima F,Ogata T,Ohta M,Kobayashi Y,Kimura K:Choroidal neovascularization secondary to idiopathic multiple retinal pigment epithelium detachments.The 15th Joint Meeting of Chinese-Japanese-Korean Ophthalmologists,web開催,2022.09.11

山田 直之,和才 友紀,岩本 菜奈子,永井 智彦,守田 裕希子,木村 和博:「感染性角膜炎再発時診断表」の作成.第76回日本臨床眼科学会,東京都,2022.10.16

山田 直之,和才 友紀,岩本 菜奈子,永井 智彦,守田 裕希子,木村 和博:感染性角膜炎再発時診断表.第59回六大学合同眼科研究会,福岡県,2022.09.03

佐久間 彩乃,山城 知恵美,徳田 和央,長谷川 実茄,濱田 和花,東島 史明,吉本 拓矢,小林 由佳,芦森 温茂,寺西 慎一郎,湧田 真紀子,林 謙一郎,木村 和博:BACによるHTFの形態変化に対するHCEの影響.第24回眼創傷治癒研究会,広島県,2022.08.20

東島 史明,湧田 真紀子,宮嵜 智景,長谷川 実茄,緒方 惟彦,太田 真実,小林 由佳,木村 和博:低酸素誘導因子-水酸化酵素阻害薬投与後に網膜出血が増悪した糖尿病網膜症の一例.第38回日本眼循環学会,富山県,2022.07.16

長谷川 実茄,湧田 真紀子,宮嵜 智景,長谷川 実茄,緒方 惟彦,太田 真実,小林 由佳,木村 和博:黄斑出血を来したidiopathic multiple retinal pigment epithelium detachmentの1例.第38回日本眼循環学会,富山県,2022.07.16

舩津 法彦,内 翔平,柳井 亮二,木村 和博:山口大学医学部附属病院で経験した眼梅毒の5症例.第55回日本眼炎症学会,広島県,2022.07.09

和才 友紀,内 翔平,砂田 潤希,柳井 亮二,木村 和博:片眼の強膜炎寛解後に両眼視神経周囲炎を生じた多発血管炎肉芽腫症の一例.第55回日本眼炎症学会,広島県,2022.07.08

有吉 伸顕,内 翔平,橘 佑亮,柳井 亮二,木村 和博:原因不明ぶどう膜炎に対する生物学的製剤導入後に非結核性抗酸菌が再燃した一例.第55回日本眼炎症学会,広島県,2022.07.08

内 翔平,柳井 亮二,瀬戸口 恵理,木村 和博:山口大学医学部附属病院で抗VEGF療法を行った炎症続発性脈絡膜新生血管の3症例.第55回日本眼炎症学会,広島県,2022.07.08

山田 直之:眼科指導医 Dr.O 虹彩前癒着眼に対する全層角膜移植をどうするか!?第15回西日本オキュラーサーフェスクラブ,web開催,2022.06.25

寺西 慎一郎,永井 智彦,舩津 法彦,長谷川 実茄,西本 綾奈,小林 由佳,内 翔平,徳久 佳代子,木村 和博:濾過手術後の房水漏出で難渋した一例.第73回山口眼科手術懇話会,山口県,2022.06.18

舩津 法彦,大西 賛,小林 由佳,寺西 慎一郎,湧田 真紀子,木村 和博:LENTIS Comfort®を使用した白内障術後に著明な眼圧上昇が生じた一例.第73回山口眼科手術懇話会,山口県,2022.06.18

青木 連,山城 知恵美,平野 晋司:眼内レンズ強膜内固定術の比較.第73回山口眼科手術懇話会,山口県,2022.06.18

佐久間 彩乃,東島 史明,岩本 菜奈子,永井 智彦,山田 直之,木村 和博:巨大涙石を認めた涙小管炎の一例.第73回山口眼科手術懇話会,山口県,2022.06.18

徳田 あゆみ,近藤 由樹子,木村 和博:MP-70を使用した眼内レンズ縫着術の検討.第139回山口県眼科医会秋季総会並びに集談会,山口県,2022.06.05

三國 雅倫,芳野 秀晃,西本 綾奈,吉田 悠真,安部 真彰,松尾 欣哉,石田 康仁:診断に苦慮したうっ血乳頭の一例.第139回山口県眼科医会秋季総会並びに集談会,山口県,2022.06.05

有吉 伸顕,湧田 真紀子,東島 史明,長谷川 実茄,緒方 惟彦,太田 真実,小林 由佳,木村 和博:腎性貧血治療薬による眼合併症.第139回山口県眼科医会秋季総会並びに集談会,山口県,2022.06.05

和才 友紀,岩本 菜奈子,永井 智彦,守田 裕希子,山田 直之,木村 和博:感染性角膜炎の再発症例の検討.第139回山口県眼科医会秋季総会並びに集談会,山口県,2022.06.05

Ogata T,Hatano M,Ohta M,Kobayashi Y,Wakuta M,Yanai R,Kimura K:Evaluation of microaneurysms in anti-VEGF-resistant diabetic macula edema.FUJIRETINA,東京都,2022.04.23

Kobayashi Y,Yamashiro C,Sakuma A,Hasegawa M,Hamada W,Higashijima F,Yoshimoto T,Ogata T,Sasai N,Kimura K:Suppression of retinal degeneration by endothelin receptor antagonists in Prominin-1 KO mice.FUJIRETINA,東京都,2022.04.23

澤田 智子,安川 力,松原 央,今泉 寛子,石川 裕人,木村 和博,寺崎 寛人,三田村 佳典,村上 智哉,村田 敏規,水澤 裕太郎,竹内 大,高村 佳弘,向後 二郎,大路 正人:多施設共同後ろ向き研究における滲出型加齢黄斑変性の年齢別ベースライン特性.第126回日本眼科学会総会,大阪府,2022.04.17

小林 由佳,山城 知恵美,東島 史明,吉本 拓矢,緒方 惟彦,笹井 紀明,木村 和博:Prominin-KOマウスにおけるEndothelin受容体拮抗薬による網膜変性の抑制作用.第126回日本眼科学会総会,大阪府,2022.04.14

東島 史明,佐久間 彩乃,長谷川 実茄,濱田 和花,吉本 拓矢,緒方 惟彦,芦森 温茂,波多野 誠,木村 和博:光誘因性の網膜変性モデルにおけるHSF1を介した神経保護への関連遺伝子の検討.第126回日本眼科学会総会,大阪府,2022.04.14

柳井 亮二,内 翔平,東 良紘,岡﨑 史子,脇口 宏之,加藤 睦子,園田 康平,木村 和博:未成年の非感染性ぶどう膜に対してアダリムマブを導入した3例.第126回日本眼科学会総会,大阪府,2022.04.14

湧田 真紀子,竹中 優嘉,太田 真実,緒方 惟彦,小林 由佳,波多野 誠,山内 一彦,木村 和博:免疫チェックポイント阻害剤2剤により重篤なVogt-小柳—原田病様症候群を発症した一例.第126回日本眼科学会総会,大阪府,2022.04.14


木村 和博:角膜混濁を有する瘢痕期ROPの成人例に生じた網膜剥離.網膜硝子体フォーラム2023,北海道,2023.02.04

柳井 亮二:眼ぶどう膜炎の治療の現在と今後の展望.第22回眼炎症セミナー,福岡県,2023.01.28

木村 和博:糖尿病網膜症の治療への私的な取り組み.第70回湘西眼科臨床フォーラム,東京都,2022.12.01

木村 和博:糖尿病網膜症の治療への私的な取り組み.第32回群馬眼科フォーラム,群馬県,2022.09.30

柳井 亮二:コンタクトレンズ(CL)の医療情報~CLに関連する眼障害~.日本コンタクトレンズ協会主催営業所管理者継続的研修,東京都,2022.07.13

柳井 亮二:非感染性ぶどう膜炎の診断と治療の実際.奈第93回筑波TOC,奈良県,2022.06.15

山田 直之:感染性角膜炎~診断編~.木村眼科内科病院オープンカンファレンス.広島県,2022.06.03


山田 直之:角膜内皮移植のイノベーションVI「DSAEKの適応をもう一度考える」.角膜カンファランス2023.神奈川県,2023.02.10

木村 和博:硝子体手術後の黄斑浮腫により閉鎖不全を来した黄斑円孔に対しSTTAが有効であった一例.第31回New-VitQの会.福岡県,2022.11.12

柳井 亮二:初心者でも合格点をクリアするためのぶどう膜炎診療のコツ ~エピソード 1~.第76回日本臨床眼科学会,東京都,2022.10.13

柳井 亮二:ウイルス性ぶどう膜炎の基礎と対策.第55回日本眼炎症学会・第393回ICD講習会.広島県,2022.07.08

柳井 亮二:アダリムマブが有効な非感染性ぶどう膜炎と治療の実際.第92回九州眼科学会.沖縄県,2022.05.27

柳井 亮二:非感染性の汎ぶどう膜炎における診断と治療.あゆみ製薬株式会社社員向けWEB講演会.山口県,2022.05.19



Higashijima F,Aoki R,Mikuni M,Yoshimoto T,Iwamoto N,Ohta M,Ogata T,Yamada N,Kimura K:Simultaneous vitreoretinal surgery and sclerokeratoplasty for keratoglobus with intraocular hemorrhage and extensive corneal rupture.Case Rep Ophthalmol,in press

Mikuni M,Wakuta M,Masaki T,Hirose Y,Takasu H,Kawano H,Aoki R,Ohta M,Kimura K:Surgical resection of intraorbital metastasis of a gastrointestinal stromal tumor resistant to chemotherapy.Am J Ophthalmol,in press

Namba K,Takase H,Nitta F,Maruyama K,Kusuhara S,Takeuchi M,Azumi A,Yanai R,Kaneko Y,Hasegawa E,Nakai K,Tsuruga H,Morita K,Kaburaki T:Multicenter,retrospective,observational study for the Treatment Pattern of systemic corticoSTERoids for relapse of non-infectious uveitis accompanying Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease or sarcoidosis.Jpn J Ophthalmol,2022.doi:10.1007/s10384-021-00897-7

Aoki R,Mikuni M,Yoshimoto T,Iwamoto N,Ohta M,Ogata T,Yamada N,Kimura K:Simultaneous vitreoretinal surgery and sclerokeratoplasty for keratoglobus with intraocular hemorrhage and extensive corneal rupture.Case Rep Ophthalmol 12:841-847,2021.doi:10.1159/000518289

Yamashiro C,Tokuda K,Kobayashi Y,Higashijima F,Yoshimoto T,Ohta M,Ogata T,Ashimori A,Kobayashi M,Hatano M,Uchi SH,Wakuta M,Kimura K:Benzalkonium chloride–induced myofibroblastic transdifferentiation of Tenon’s capsule fibroblasts is inhibited by coculture with corneal epithelial cells or by interleukin-10.Sci Rep 11:16096,2021.doi:10.1038/s41598-021-94852-8

Kobayashi Y,Tokuda K,Yamashiro C,Higashijima F,Yoshimoto T,Ohta M,Ogata T,Ashimori A,Hatano M,Kobayashi M,Uchi SH,Wakuta M,Kimura K:Inhibition of epithelial–mesenchymal transition in retinal pigment epithelial cells by a retinoic acid receptor‑α agonist.Sci Rep 11:11842,2021.doi:10.1038/s41598-021-90618-4

Kobayashi Y,Watanabe S,Ong ALC,Shirai M,Yamashiro C,Ogata T,Higashijima F,Yoshimoto T,Hayano T,Asai Y,Sasai N,Kimura K:Early manifestations and differential gene expression associated with photoreceptor degeneration in Prom1-deficient retina.Dis Model Mech 14:dmm048962,2021.doi:10.1242/dmm.048962


筆頭著者,共同著者:タイトルまたは章名.雑誌名 巻(号):初頁-末頁,発行年月日

Yin A,Liu X,Kobayashi Y,Nishina Y,Nakagawa R,Yanai R,Kimura K,Miyake T:A needle-type biofuel cell using enzyme/mediator/carbon nanotube composite fibers for wearable electronics.Biosens Bioelectron 165:112287-112287,2020.10

Takase H,Goto H,Namba K,Mizuki N,Okada AA,Ohguro N,Sonoda KH,Tomita M,Keino H,Kezuka T,Kubono R,Mizuuchi K,Shibuya E,Takahashi H,Yanai R,Mochizuki M, for the Japan ARN Study Group:Cninical characteristics, management, and factors associated with poor visual prognosis of acute retinal necrosis.Ocul Immunol Inflamm 1-6,2020.9

Shimura M,Kitano S,Muramatsu D,Fukushima H,Takamura Y,Matsumoto M,Kokado M,Kogo J,Sasaki M,Morizane Y,Utsumi T,Koto T,Sonoda S,Hirano T,Ishikawa H,Mitamura Y,Okamoto F,Kinoshita T,Kimura K,Sugimoto M,Yamashiro K,Suzuki Y,Hikichi T,Washio N,Sato T,Ohkoshi K,Tsujinaka H,Kusuhara S,Kondo M,Takagi H,Murata T,Sakamoto T;Japan Clinical Retina Study (J-CREST) group:Real-world management of treatment-naïve diabetic macular oedema: 2-year visual outcome focusing on the starting year of intervention from STREAT-DMO study.Br J Ophthalmol 315726-315726,2020

Yanai R,Nishida T,Hatano M,Uchi SH,Yamada N, Kimura K:Role of the Neurokinin-1 Receptor in the Promotion of Corneal Epithelial Wound Healing by the Peptides FGLM-NH2 and SSSR in Neurotrophic Keratopathy:Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 61(8):29-29,2020

Shimura M,Kitano S,Muramatsu D,Fukushima H,Takamura Y,Matsumoto M,Kokado M,Kogo J,Sasaki M,Morizane Y,Kotake O,Koto T, Sonoda S,Hirano T,Ishikawa H,Mitamura Y,Okamoto F,Kinoshita T,Kimura K,Sugimoto M,Yamashiro K,Suzuki Y,Hikichi T,Washio N,Sato T,Ohkoshi K,Tsujinaka H,Kusuhara S,Kondo M,Takagi H,Murata T,Sakamoto T;Japan Clinical Retina Study (J-CREST) group:Real-world management of treatment-naïve diabetic macular oedema in Japan: two-year visual outcomes with and without anti-VEGF therapy in the STREAT-DME study.Br J Ophthalmol 104(9):1209-1215,2020.9

Wakuta M,Nomi N,Ogata T,Ohta M,Yamashiro C,Hatno M,Yanai R,Tokuda K,Kimura K:A Trinity regimen with aflibercept for treatment-naïve neovascular age-related macular degeneration: 2-year outcomes.Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol

Yoshimoto T,Higashijima F,Teranishi S,Kimura K:Simultaneous Vitreoretinal Surgery and Penetrating Keratoplasty Without a Keratoprosthesis or Endoscopy for Vitreoretinal Disease Associated with Corneal Opacity.Case Rep Ophthalmol 19(1):127-136,2020.1

Tokuda K,Baron B,Yamashiro C,Kuramitsu Y,Kitagawa T,Kobayashi M,Sonoda KH,Kimura K:Up-regulation of the pentose phosphate pathway and HIF-1α expression during neural progenitor cell induction following glutamate treatment in rat ex vivo retina.Cell Biol Int 44(1):137-144,2020.1


筆頭著者,共同著者:タイトルまたは章名.雑誌名 巻(号):初頁-末頁,発行年月日

Hori A,Nishide K,Yasukuni Y,Haga K,Kakuta W,Ishikawa Y,Hayes MJ,Ohnuma SI,Kiyonari H,Kimura K,Kondo T,Sasai N:Prominin-1 Modulates Rho/ROCK-Mediated Membrane Morphology and Calcium-Dependent Intracellular Chloride Flux.Sci Rep 9(1):15911-15911,2019.11

柳井 亮二:眼炎症疾患の基礎と臨床.眼薬理 33:38-41,2019

Hatano M,Tokuda K,Kobayashi Y,Yamashiro C,Uchi SH,Kobayashi M,Kimura K:Inhibitory effect of nintedanib on VEGF secretion in retinal pigment epithelial cells induced by exposure to a necrotic cell lysate.PLoS One 14(8):e0218632-e0218632,2019.8

Uchi SH,Yanai R,Kobayashi M,Hatano M,Kobayashi Y,Yamashiro C,Nagai T,Tokuda K,Connor KM,Sonoda KH,Kimura K:Dendritic cells mediate the anti-inflammatory action of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in experimental autoimmune uveitis.PLoS One 14(7):e0219405-e0219405,2019.7

Kobayashi M,Tokuda K,Kobayashi Y,Yamashiro C,Uchi SH,Hatano M,Kimura K:Suppression of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells by an MRTF-A Inhibitor.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 60(2):528-537,2019.2

太田 真実,鈴木 克佳,寺西 慎一郎,白石 理江,岩本 菜奈子,能美 なな実,徳久 佳代子,守田 裕希子,木村 和博:プロスタグランジン関連薬使用中の緑内障患者における上眼瞼溝深化の形状測定.臨床眼科 73(1):87-93,2019.1



筆頭著者,共同著者:タイトルまたは章名.雑誌名 巻(号):初頁-末頁,発行年月日

Kuhara K,Tokuda K,Kitagawa T,Baron B,Tokunaga M,Harada K,Terasaki M,Uehara O,Ohta T,Takai R,Hamada JI,Kobayashi M,Shimo T,Nagayasu H,Kuramitsu Y:CUB domain-containing protein 1 (CDCP1) is down-regulated by active hexose-correlated compound in human pancreatic cancer cells.Anticancer Res 38(0):6107-6111,2018.11

守田 裕希子,山田 直之,西本 綾奈,長野 敬,中村 雅胤,木村 和博: プロスタグランジンD2単独刺激およびプロスタグランジンD2/ヒスタミン併用刺激による神経突起伸長に対するエピナスチン塩酸塩の抑制効果.アレルギー・免疫 25(11):1466-1471,2018.10

Shimada T,Nanimoto Y,Baron B,Kitagawa T,Tokuda K,Kuramitsu Y:Enzyme treated asparagus extract down-regulates heat shock protein 27 of pancreatic cancer cells.In Vivo 32(4):759-763,2018.7

Tokuda K,Baron B,Kuramitsu Y,Kitagawa T,Tokuda N,Morishige N,Kobayashi M,Kimura K,Nakamura K,Sonoda KH:Optimization of fixative solution for retinal morphology: a comparison with Davidson’s fixative and other fixation solutions.Jpn J Ophthalmol 62(4):481-490,2018.7

Suzuki K,Otsuka N,Hizaki H,Hashimoto M,Kuwayama Y,Tafluprost/Timolol Versus Latanoprost/Timolol (TTVLT) Study Group:Multicenter, randomized, controlled study comparing Tafluprost/Timolol fixed combination with Latanoprost/Timolol fixed combination in primary open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension.Adv Ther 35(6):796-808,2018.6

Ohta M,Morita Y,Yamada N,Nishida T,Morishige N:Remodeling of the Corneal Epithelial Scaffold for Treatment of Persistent Epithelial defects in Diabetic Keratopathy.Case Rep Ophthalmol 9(0):333-340,2018.6

Takeda A,Yamada H,Hasegawa E,Arima M,Notomi S,Myojin S,Yoshimura T,Hisatomi T,Enaida H,Yanai R,Kimura K,Ishibashi T,Sonoda KH:Crucial role of P2X7 receptor for effector T cell activation in experimental autoimmune uveitis.Jpn J Ophthalmol 62(3):398-406,2018.5

Murata H,Zangwill LM,Fujino Y,Matsuura M,Miki A,Hirasawa K,Tanito M,Mizoue S,Mori K,Suzuki K,Yamashita T,Kashiwagi K,Shoji N,Asaoka R K:Validating variational Bayes linear regression method With multi-central datasets.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 59(5):1897-1904,2018.4

Sato K,Takeda A,Hasegawa E,Jo YJ,Arima M,Oshima Y,Yanai R,Nakazawa T,Yuzawa M,Nakashizuka H,Shimada H,Kimura K,Ishibashi T,Sonoda KH:Interleukin-6 plays a crucial role in the development of subretinal fibrosis in a mouse model.IMMMed 41(3):23-29,2018.4

Yanai R,Chen S,Uchi SH,Nanri T,Connor KM,Kimura K:Attenuation of choroidal neovascularization by dietary intake of ω-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and lutein mice.PLOS ONE 13(4):e0196037-e0196037,2018.4

Nomi N,Ohta M,Fukumura M,Nuno Y,Hatano M,Wakuta M,Yanai R,Kimura K:Indocyanine green angiography findings of cystoid macular edema secondary to paclitaxel therapy.Jpn J Ophthalmol 62(2):163-167,2018.3

小林 由佳,山田 直之,岩本 菜奈子,守田 裕希子,園田 康平,木村 和博:広範な感染性角膜潰瘍に対して通常の深層層状角膜移植(DALK)に三日月状のDALKを併施した1例.臨床眼科 72(1):91-99,2018.1


筆頭著者,共同著者:タイトルまたは章名.雑誌名 巻(号):初頁-末頁,発行年月日

Aoki S,Murata H, Fujino Y, Matsuura M, Miki A, Tanito M, Mizoue S,Mori K,Suzuki K,Yamashita T,Kashiwagi K,Hirasawa K,Shoji N,Asaoka R:Investigating the usefulness of a cluster-based trend analysis to detect visual field progression in patients with open-angle glaucoma.Br J Ophthalmol 101(12):1658-1665,2017.12

木村 和博,守田 裕希子,折田 朋子,藤津 揚一朗,小賀 厚徳:眼窩原発Merkel細胞癌の1例.日本眼科学会雑誌 121(12):930-935,2017.12

Kimura K,Orita T,Kobayashi Y,Matsuyama S,Fujimoto K,Yamauchi K:Concentration of acute phase factors in vitreous fluid in diabetic macular edema.Jpn J Ophthalmol 61(6):479-483,2017.11

Yanai R,Harada D,Uchi SH,Yamashiro C,Orita T,Sonoda KH,Kimura K:Poor prognosis of elderly individuals >80 years of age with acute retinal necrosis.Am J Ophthalmol Case Rep 7(0):107-112,2017.9

Asaoka R,Murata H,Fujino Y,Hirasawa K,Tanito M,Mizoue S,Mori K,Suzuki K,Yamashita T,Kashiwagi K,Miki A,Shoji N;Japanese Archive of Multicentral Databases in Glaucoma (JAMDIG) construction group:Effects of ocular and systemic factors on the progression of glaucomatous visual field damage in various sectors.Br J Ophthalmol 101(8):1071-1075,2017.8

Hasegawa E,Inafuku S,Mulki L,Okunuki Y,Yanai R,Smith KE,Kim CB,Klokman G,Bielenberg DR,Puli N,Falck JR,Husain D,Miller JW,Edin ML,Zeldin DC,Lee KSS,Hammock BD,Schunck WH,Connor KM:Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase lipid metabolites are significant second messengers in the resolution of choroidal neovascularization.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 114(36):E7545-E7553,2017.8

Kimura K,Zhou H,Orita T,Kobayashi M,Nishida T,Sonoda KH:Suppression by an RAR-γ Agonist of Collagen Degradation Mediated by Corneal Fibroblasts.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 58(4):2250-2257,2017.4

Wang Y,Kuramitsu Y,Baron B,Kitagawa T,Tokuda K,Akada J,Maehara SI,Maehara Y,Nakamura K:PI3K inhibitor LY294002, as opposed to wortmannin, enhances AKT phosphorylation in gemcitabine-resistant pancreatic cancer cells.Int J Oncol 50(2):606-612,2017.2

Othman K,Tajudin A,Liza-Sharmini L,Ibrahim M,Tharakan J,Yanai R,Zunaina E:Severe panuveitis in neuro-Behçet’s disease in Malaysia: a case series.International Medical Case Reports Journal 10:35-40,2017.1


筆頭著者,共同著者:タイトルまたは章名.雑誌名 巻(号):初頁-末頁,発行年月日

緒方 惟彦,柳井 亮二,小林 由佳,小林 正明,内 翔平,波多野 誠,庄田 裕美,原田 大輔,寺西 慎一郎,木村 和博,鈴木 克佳,園田康平:ぶどう膜炎続発緑内障に対する治療方法の検討.臨床眼科 70(10):1571-1575,2016

村重 高志,鈴木 克佳,平野 晋司,布 佳久,園田 康平:急性増悪をきたした眼窩びまん性大細胞型B細胞リンパ腫の三症例.眼科臨床紀要 9(6):489-499,2016

Japanese Archive of Multicentral Database in Glaucoma (JAMDIG) construction group:A novel method to predict visual field progression more accurately, using intraocular pressure measurements in glaucoma patients.Sci Rep 26(6):31728-31728,2016

Tokuda K,Kuramitsu Y,Baron B,Kitagawa T,Tokuda N,Kobayashi M,Kimura K,Sonoda KH,Nakamura K:Changes in metabolic proteins in ex vivo rat retina during glutamate-induced neural progenitor cell induction.Mol Cell Biochem 419(1-2):177-184,2016.8

Kimura K,Zhou H,Orita T,Kobayashi S,Wada T,Nakamura Y,Nishida T, Sonoda KH:Inhibition by all-trans retinoic acid of collagen degradation mediated by corneal fibroblasts.Clin Experiment Ophthalmol 44(6):502-508,2016.8

Morishige N,Murata S,Nakamura Y,Azumi H,Shin-Gyou-Uchi R,Oki KT,Morita Y,Sonoda KH:Coordinated regulation of palladin and α-smooth muscle actin by transforming growth factor-β in human corneal fibroblasts.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 57(7):3360-3368,2016.6

Hatano M,Kimura K,Nomi N,Teranishi S,Orita T,Fujitsu Y,Sonoda KH:Combination management by C-arm fluoroscopy and extraocular muscle severance for penetrating ocular trauma with a retrobulbar foreign body.Orbit 35(3):167-169,2016.6

Kobayashi Y,Kimura K,Fujitsu Y,Shinkawa K,Muta H,Sonoda KH:Methotrexate-associated orbital lymphoproliferative disorder in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis:a case report.Jpn J Ophthalmol 60(3):212-218,2016.5

Morishige N,Morita Y,Yamada N,Sonoda KH:Differential Changes in Intraocular Pressure and Corneal Manifestations in Individuals With Viral Endotheliitis After Keratoplasty.Cornea 35(5):602-606,2016.5

Fujino Y,Asaoka R,Murata H,Miki A,Tanito M,Mizoue S,Mori K,Suzuki K,Yamashita T,Kashiwagi K,Shoji N;Japanese Archive of Multicentral Databases in Glaucoma (JAMDIG) Construction Group:Evaluation of Glaucoma Progression in Large-Scale Clinical Data: The Japanese Archive of Multicentral Databases in Glaucoma (JAMDIG).Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 57(4):2012-2020,2016.4

Sakoda Y,Nagai T,Murata S,Mizuno Y,Kurosawa H,Shoda H,Morishige N,Yanai R,Sonoda KH,Tamada K:Pathogenic Function of Herpesvirus Entry Mediator in Experimental Autoimmune Uveitis by Induction of Th1- and Th17-Type T Cell Responses.J Immunol 196(7):2947-2954,2016.4

小林 正明,森重 直行,守田 裕希子,山田 直之,小林 元巳,園田 康平:近赤外光を用いた角膜実質浮腫眼における虹彩形状評価.日本眼科学会雑誌 120(2):110-113,2016.2

Jester JV,Morishige N,BenMohamed L,Brown DJ,Osorio N,Hsiang C,Perng GC,Jones C,Wechsler SL:Confocal Microscopic Analysis of a Rabbit Eye Model of High-Incidence Recurrent Herpes Stromal Keratitis.Cornea 35(1):81-88,2016.1


筆頭著者,共同著者:タイトルまたは章名.雑誌名 巻(号):初頁-末頁,発行年月日

内 翔平,折田 朋子,湧田 真紀子,柳井 亮二,木村 和博,園田 康平:14年間で4回の発症を繰り返した急性網膜壊死の1例.眼科 57(12):1599-1604,2015.12

Liu Y,Kimura K,Orita T,Suzuki K,Teranishi S,Mori T,Sonoda KH:Inhibition by a retinoic acid receptor γ agonist of extracellular matrix remodeling mediated by human Tenon fibroblasts.Mol Vis 21:1368-1377,2015.12

Liu Y,Kimura K,Orita T,Sonoda KH:Necrosis-Induced Sterile Inflammation Mediated by Interleukin-1α in Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells.PLoS One 10(12):e0144460-e0144460,2015.12

Wang Y,Kuramitsu Y,Kitagawa T,Tokuda K,Baron B,Akada J,Nakamura K:The Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Valproic Acid Sensitizes Gemcitabine-Induced Cytotoxicity in Gemcitabine-Resistant Pancreatic Cancer Cells Possibly Through Inhibition of the DNA Repair Protein Gamma-H2AX.Target Oncol 10(4):575-581,2015.12

Wang Y,Kuramitsu Y,Baron B,Kitagawa T,Tokuda K,Akada J,Nakamura K:CGK733-induced LC3 II formation is positively associated with the expression of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21Waf1/Cip1 through modulation of the AMPK and PERK/CHOP signaling pathways.Oncotarget 6(37):39692-39701,2015.11

Takeda A,Yoshikawa H,Fukuhara T,Hikita S,Hijioka K,Otomo T,Arita R,Hisatomi T,Kimura K,Yoshida S,Kawano Y,Sonoda KH,Ishibashi T:Distinct Profiles of Soluble Cytokine Receptors Between B-Cell Vitreoretinal Lymphoma and Uveitis.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 56(12):7516-7523,2015.11

Tokunaga M,Baron B,Kitagawa T,Tokuda K,Kuramitsu Y:Active Hexose-correlated Compound Down-regulates Heat Shock Factor 1, a Transcription Factor for HSP27, in Gemcitabine-resistant Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells.Anticancer Res 35(11):6063-6067,2015.11

Yanai R,Nishida T,Chikama T,Morishige N,Yamada N,Sonoda KH:Potential New Modes of Treatment of Neurotrophic Keratopathy.Cornea 34(11):S121-S127,2015.11

Morita Y,Morishige N,Yamada N,Ohta M,Sonoda KH,Nishida T:Recovery of the Corneal Stroma Associated With Rapid Reepithelialization Induced by the Fibronectin-Derived Peptide PHSRN in 2 Cases of Corneal Perforation Due to a Persistent Epithelial Defect.Cornea 34(11):1504-1507,2015.11

Arita R,Morishige N,Shirakawa R,Sato Y,Amano S:Effects of Eyelid Warming Devices on Tear Film Parameters in Normal Subjects and Patients with Meibomian Gland Dysfunction.Ocul Surf 13(4):321-330,2015.10

Wang Y,Kuramitsu Y,Baron B,Kitagawa T,Akada J,Tokuda K,Cui D,Nakamura K:PERK/CHOP contributes to the CGK733-induced vesicular calcium sequestration which is accompanied by non-apoptotic cell death.Oncotarget 6(28):25252-25265,2015.9

Shoda H,Yanai R,Yoshimura T,Nagai T,Kimura K,Sobrin L,Connor KM,Sakoda Y, Tamada K,Ikeda T,Sonoda KH:Dietary Omega-3 Fatty Acids Suppress Experimental Autoimmune Uveitis in Association with Inhibition of Th1 and Th17 Cell Function.PLoS One 10(9):e138241-e138241,2015.9

Kitagawa T,Okita H,Baron B,Tokuda K,Nakamura M,Wang Y,Akada J,Hoshida H,Akada R,Kuramitsu Y,Nakamura K:Mutant screening for oncogenes of Ewing’s sarcoma using yeast.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 99(16):6737-6744,2015.8

Suzuki K,Teranishi S,Sagara T,Yoshino H,Nakayama M,Enoki M,Nuno Y,Hirano S,Wakuta M,Takahashi N,Tokuhisa K, Kondo Y,Shiraishi R,Ishida Y,Sonoda KH;Yamaguchi Glaucoma Study Group:Safety and Efficacy of Benzalkonium Chloride-optimized Tafluprost in Japanese Glaucoma Patients With Existing Superficial Punctate Keratitis.J Glaucoma 24(6):e145-e150,2015.8

Tokuda K,Kuramitsu Y,Byron B,Kitagawa T,Tokuda N,Kobayashi D,Nagayama M,Araki N,Sonoda KH,Nakamura K:Up-regulation of DRP-3 long isoform during the induction of neural progenitor cells by glutamate treatment in the ex vivo rat retina.Biochem Biophys Res Commun 463(4):593-599,2015.8

Kuramitsu Y,Wang Y,Kitagawa T,Tokuda K,Akada J,Tokunaga M,Nakamura K:High-mobility Group Box 1 and Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase activated Protein Kinase-2 Are Up-regulated in Gemcitabine-resistant Pancreatic Cancer Cells.Anticancer Res 35(7):3861-3865,2015.7

Sweigard JH,Matsumoto H,Smith KE,Kim L,Paschalis E,Okonuki Y,Castillejos A,Kataoka K,Hasegawa E,Yanai R,Husain D,Lambris JD,Vavvas D,Miller JW and Connor KM:Inhibition of the alternative complement pathway preserves photoreceptors after retinal injury.Sci Transl Med 7(297):297ra116-297ra116,2015.7

Kimura K,Orita T,Liu Y,Yang Y,Tokuda K,Kurakazu T,Noda T,Yanai R,Morishige N,Takeda A,Ishibashi T,Sonoda KH:Attenuation of EMT in RPE cells and subretinal fibrosis by an RAR-γ agonist.J Mol Med(Berl) 93(7):749-758,2015.7

Kuramitsu Y,Tanaka I,Wang Y,Okada F,Tokuda K,Kitagawa T,Akada J,Nakamura K:Inflammation-Related Tumor Progression in Murine Fibrosarcoma Exhibited Over-expression of Sex-determining Region Y-box 2 (Sox2) Compared to Parental Regressor Cells.Anticancer Res 36(6):3217-3221,2015.6

Yanai R,Sonod KH,Connor KM:Cytochrome P450–Generated Metabolites of ω-3 Fatty Acids Ameliorate Choroidal Neovascularization.The Bulletin of the Yamaguchi Medical School 62:29-36,2015.5

Arita R,Morishige N,Koh S,Shirakawa S,Kawashima M,Sakimoto T,Suzuki T,Tsubota K:Increased tear fluid production as a compensatory response to meibomian gland loss: a multicenter cross-sectional study.Ophthalmology 122(5):925-933,2015.5

Garway-Heath DF,Crabb DP,Bunce C,Lascaratos G,Amalfitano F,Anand N,Azuara-Blanco A,Bourne RR,Broadway DC,Cunliffe IA,Diamond JP,Fraser SG,Ho TA,Martin KR,McNaught AI,Negi A,Patel K,Russell RA,Shah A,Spry PG,Suzuki K,White ET,Wormald RP,Xing W,Zeyen TG:Latanoprost for open-angle glaucoma (UKGTS): a randomised, multicentre, placebo-controlled trial.Lancet 385(9975):1295-1304,2015.4

Liu Y,Kimura K,Orita T,Teranishi S,Suzuki K,Sonoda KH:All-trans-retinoic acid inhibition of transforming growth factor-β-induced collagen gel contraction mediated by human Tenon fibroblasts: role of matrix metalloproteinases.Br J Ophthalmol 99(4):561-565,2015.4

Ko JA,Hirata J,Yamane K,Sonoda KH,Kiuchi Y:Up-regulation of semaphorin 4A expression in human retinal pigment epithelial cells by PACAP released from cocultured neural cells.Cell Biochem Funct 33(1):29-36,2015.1

Takase H,Okada AA,Goto H,Mizuki N,Namba K,Ohguro N,Sonoda KH,Tomita M,Keino H,Kezuka T,Kubono R,Mizuuchi K,Shibuya E,Takahashi H,Yanai R,Mochizuki M:Development and validation of new diagnostic criteria for acute retinal necrosis.Jpn J Ophthalmol 59(1):14-20,2015.1


筆頭著者,共同著者:タイトルまたは章名.雑誌名 巻(号):初頁-末頁,発行年月日

Morishige N,Shin-gyou-uchi R,Azumi H,Ohta H,Morita Y,Yamada N,Kimura K,Takahara A,Sonoda KH:Quantitative Analysis of Collagen Lamellae in the Normal and Keratoconic Human Cornea by Second Harmonic Generation Imaging Microscopy.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 55(12):8377-8385, 2014.12

Watanabe Y,Yoshimura K,Yoshikawa K,Tsunedomi R,Shindo Y,Matsukuma S,Maeda N,Kanekiyo S,Suzuki N,Kuramasu A,Sonoda KH,Tamada K,Kobayashi S,Saya H,Hazama S,Oka M:A stem cell medium containing neural stimulating factor induces a pancreatic cancer stem-like cell-enriched population.Int J Oncol 45(5):1857-1866,2014.11

Wang Y,Kuramitsu Y,Tokuda K,Baron B,Kitagawa T,Akada J,Maehara S,Maehara Y,Nakamura K:Gemcitabine induces poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) degradation through autophagy in pancreatic cancer.PLoS One 9(10):e109076-e109076,2014.10

Takeuchi M,Kezuka T,Sugita S,Keino H,Namba K,Kaburaki T,Maruyama K,Nakai K,Hijioka K,Shibuya E,Komae K,Hori J,Ohguro N,Sonoda KH,Mizuki N,Okada AA,Ishibashi T,Goto H,Mochizuki M:Evaluation of the Long-Term Efficacy and Safety of Infliximab Treatment for Uveitis in Behçet’s Disease:A Multicenter Study.Ophthalmology 121(10):1877-1884,2014.10

Nawata J,Kuramitsu Y,Wang Y,Kitagawa T,Tokuda K,Baron B,Akada J,Suenaga S,Kaino S,Maehara S,Maehara Y,Sakaida I,Nakamura K:Active hexose-correlated compound down-regulates sex-determining region Y-box 2 of pancreatic cancer cells.Anticancer Res 34(9):4807-4811,2014.9

Wang Y,Kuramitsu Y,Tokuda K,Okada F,Baron B,Akada J,Kitagawa T,Nakamura K:Proteomic analysis indicates that overexpression and nuclear translocation of lactoylglutathione lyase (GLO1) is associated with tumor progression in murine fibrosarcoma.Electrophoresis 35(15):2195-2202,2014.8

Takeda A,Hasegawa E,Fukuhara T,Hirakawa S,Yamada H,Yang Y,Yoshimura T,Hisatomi T,Oshima Y,Yoshida H,Sonoda KH,Ishibashi T:EBI3 is pivotal for the initiation of experimental autoimmune uveitis.Exp Eye Res 125:107-113,2014.8

Yanai R,Mulki L,Hasegawa E,Takeuchi K,Sweigard H,Suzuki J,Gaissert P,Vavvas DG,Sonoda KH,Rothe M,Schunck WH,Miller JW ,Connor KM:Cytochrome P450–generated metabolites derived from ω-3 fatty acids attenuate neovascularization.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111(26):9603-9608,2014.7» Abstract



Sweigard JH,Yanai R,Gaissert P,Saint-Geniez M,Kataoka K,Thanos A,Stahl GL,Lambris JD,Connor KM:The alternative complement pathway regulates pathological angiogenesis in the retina.FASEB J 28(7):3171-3182,2014.7

Liu Y,Kimura K,Orita T,Teranishi S,Suzuki K,Sonoda KH:Inhibition by All-Trans-Retinoic Acid of Transforming Growth Factor-β-Induced Collagen Gel Contraction Mediated by Human Tenon Fibroblasts.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 55(7):4199-4205,2014.6

Morishige N,Morita Y,Yamada N,Nishida T,Sonoda KH:Congenital hypoplastic trigeminal nerve revealed by manifestion of corneal disorders likely caused by neural factor deficiency.Case Rep Ophthalmol 5(2):181-185,2014.6

Morishige N,Morita Y,Yamada N,Sonoda KH:Peters’ anomaly imaged with an infrared anterior segment camera.Clin Exp Ophthalmol 42(4):391-392,2014.5

園田 康平,福原 崇子,吉川 洋,武田 篤信,吉村 武,赤星 光輝,楠元 大岳,河野 健太郎,加藤 光次,赤司 浩一,孝橋 賢一,相島 慎一,南場 研一,石橋 達朗:インフリキシマブ投与中のBehcet病に悪性リンパ腫を認めた1例.日本眼科学会雑誌 118(5):440-445,2014.5

Kimura K,Orita T,Fujitsu Y,Liu Y,Wakuta M,Morishige N,Suzuki K,Sonoda KH:Inhibition by female sex hormones of collagen gel contraction mediated by retinal pigment epithelial cells.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 55(4):2621-2630,2014.4

Takeuchi K,Yanai R,Kumase F,Morizane Y,Suzuki J,Kayama M,Brodowska K,Nakazawa M,Miller JW,Connor KM,Vavvas DG:EGF-like-domain-7 is required for VEGF-induced Akt/ERK activation and vascular tube formation in an ex vivo angiogenesis assay.PLoS One 9(3):e91849- e91849,2014.3

Kaburaki T,Namba K,Sonoda KH,Kezuka T,Keino H,Fukuhara T,Kamoi K,Nakai K,Mizuki N,Ohguro N:Ocular Behçet Disease Research Group of Japan.Behçet’s disease ocular attack score 24:Evaluation of ocular disease activity before and after initiation of infliximab.Jpn J Ophthalmol 58(2):120-130,2014.3

Morita Y,Kimura K,Fujitsu Y,Enomoto A,Ueno S,Kondo M,Sonoda KH:Autoantibodies to transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 1 in a Japanese patient with melanoma-associated retinopathy.Jpn J Ophthalmol 58(2):166-171,2014.3

Ko JA,Mizuno Y,Ohki C,Chikama T,Sonoda KH,Kiuchi Y:Neuropeptides released from trigeminal neurons promote the stratification of human corneal epithelial cells.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 55(1):125-133,2014.1

Morishige N,Hatabe N,Morita Y,Yamada N,Kimura K,Sonoda KH:Spontaneous healing of corneal perforation after temporary discontinuation of erlotinib treatment.Case Rep in Ophthalmol 5(1):6-10,2014.1


筆頭著者,共同著者:タイトルまたは章名.雑誌名 巻(号):初頁-末頁,発行年月日

Yang Y,Takeda A,Yoshimura T,Oshima Y,Sonoda KH,Ishibashi T:IL-10 is significantly involved in HSP70-regulation of experimental subretinal fibrosis.PLoS One 8(12):e80288-e80288,2013.12

Suenaga S,Kuramitsu Y,Wang Y,Baron B,Kitagawa T,Akada J,Tokuda K,Kaino S,Maehara S,Maehara Y,Sakaida I,Nakamura K:Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells with Acquired Gemcitabine Resistance Exhibit Significant Up-regulation of Peroxiredoxin-2 Compared to Sensitive Parental Cells.Anticancer Res 33(11):4821-4826,2013.11

Tanaka T,Kuramitsu K,Wang Y,Baron B,Kitagawa T,Tokuda K,Hirakawa K,Yashiro M,Naito S,Nakamura K:Glyoxalase 1 as a candidate for indicating the metastatic potentialof SN12C human renal cell carcinoma cell clones.Oncol Rep 30(5):2365-2370,2013.11

柳井 亮二,植田 喜一,園田 康平:ペルーシド角膜辺縁変性に対するツインベルタイプハードコンタクトレンズの有用性.日本コンタクトレンズ学会誌 55(3):168-172,2013.9

Kuramitsu Y,Wang Y,Okada F,Baron B,Tokuda K,Kitagawa T,Akada J,Nakamura K:Malignant Progressive Tumor Cells Clone Exhibits Significant Up-regulation of Cofilin-2 and 27-kDa Modified Form of Cofilin-1 Compared to Regressive clone.Anticancer Res 33(9):3661-3665,2013.9

Morishige N,Yamada N,Morita Y,Kimura K,Sonoda KH:Persistence of structural changes at the anterior cornea in bullous keratopathy patients after endothelial keratoplasty.PLoS One 8:e74279-e74279,2013.9

Kimura K,Orita T,Morishige N,Nishida T,Sonoda KH:Role of the JNK Signaling PathWay in Downregulation of Connexin43 by TNF-α in Human Corneal Fibroblasts.Curr Eye Res 38(9):926-932,2013.9

Sugita S,Ogawa M,Shimizu N,Morio T,Ohguro N,Nakai K,Maruyama K,Nagata K,Takeda A,Usui Y,Sonoda KH,Takeuchi M,Mochizuki M:Use of a Comprehensive Polymerase Chain Reaction System for Diagnosis of Ocular Infectious Diseases.Ophthalmology 120(9):1761-1768,2013.9

Nakamura-Shibasaki M,Ko JA,Takenaka J,Chikama TI,Sonoda KH,Kiuchi Y:Matrix metalloproteinase and cytokine expression in Tenon fibroblasts during scar formation after glaucoma filtration or implant surgery in rats.Cell Biochem Funct 31(6):482-488,2013.8

Kuramitsu Y,Suenaga S,Wang Y,Tokuda K,Kiatagawa T,Tanaka T,Akada J,Maehara S,Maehara Y,Nakamura K:Up-regulation of DDX39 in Human Pancreatics Cancer Cells with Acquired Gemcitabine Resistance Compared to Gemcitabine Parental Cells.Anticancer Res 33(8):3133-3136,2013.8

Tokuda K,Izumi Y,zorumski CF:Locally-generated Acetaldehyde Contributes to the Effects on Neurosteroids and LTP in the Hippocampus.Neurol Clin Neurosci 1(4):138-147,2013.7

Kuramitsu Y,Tominaga W,Baron B,Tokuda K,Kitagawa T,Nakamura K:Up-regulation of DDX39 in human malignant pleural mesothelioma cell lines compared tonormal pleuralmesothelial cells.Anticancer Res 33(6):2557-2560,2013.6

Zhang H,Yang Y,Takeda A,Yoshimura T,Oshima Y,Sonoda KH,Ishibashi T:A Novel Platelet-Activating Factor Receptor Antagonist Inhibits Choroidal Neovascularization and Subretinal Fibrosis.PLoS One 8(6):e68173-e68173,2013.6

Wozniak DF,Diggs-Andrew KA,Conyers S,Yuede CM,Dearborn JT,Brown JA,Tokuda K,Izumi Y,Zorumski CF,Gutmann DH:Motivational Disturbances and Effects of L-dopa Administration in Neurofibromatosis-1 Model Mice.PLoS One 8(6):e66024-e66024,2013.6

Kimura K,Morita Y,Orita T,Haruta J,Takeji Y,Sonoda KH:Protection of human corneal epithelial cells from TNF-α-induced disruption of barrier function by rebamipide.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 54(4):2752-2760,2013.4

Yanai R,Ueda K,Sonoda KH:Bevel toric multicurve rigid gas-permeable lens for keratoconus.Jpn J Ophthalmol 57(2):199-205,2013.3

Tokuda K,Izumi Y,Zorumski CF:Locally-generated Acetaldehyde is involved in Ethanol-Mediated LTP Inhibition in the Hippocampus.Neurosci lett 537:40-43,2013.3

Hasegawa E,Sonoda KH,Shichita T,Morita R,Sekiya T,Kimura A,Oshima Y,Takeda A,Yoshimura T,Yoshida S,Ishibashi T,Yoshimura A:IL-23-independent induction of IL-17 from γδT cells and innate lymphoid cells promotes experimental intraocular neovascularization.J Immunol 190(4):1778-1787,2013.2

Diggs-Andrews KA,Tokuda K,Izumi Y,Zorumski CF,Wozniak DF,Gutmann DH:Dopamine deficiency underlines learning deficits in Neurofibromatosis-1 mice.Ann Neurol 73(2):309-315,2013.2

Iwahashi-Shima C,Azumi A,Ohguro N,Okada AA,Kaburaki T,Goto H,Sonoda KH,Namba K,Mizuki N,Mochizuki M:Acute retinal necrosis:factors associated with anatomic and visual outcomes.Jpn J Ophthalmol 57(1):98-103,2013.1

Orita T,Kimura K,Nishida T,Sonoda KH:Cytokine and chemokine secretion induced by poly(I:C) through NF-κB and phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling pathways in human corneal fibroblasts.Curr Eye Res 38(1):53-59,2013.1

Takenawa T,Kuramitsu Y,Wang Y,Okada F,Tokuda K,Kitagawa T,Ueyama Y,Nakamura K:Proteomic Analysis Showed Down-regulation of Nucleophosmin in Progressive Tumor Cells Compared to Regressive Tumor Cells.Anticancer Res 33(1):153-160,2013.1


筆頭著者,共同著者:タイトルまたは章名.雑誌名 巻(号):初頁-末頁,発行年月日

Yamada N,Morishige N,Yanai R,Morita Y,Kimura K,Chikama T,Nomizu M,Sonoda KH,Nishida T:Open Clinical Study of Eye Drops Containing the Fibronectin-Derived Peptide PHSRN for Treatment of Persistent Corneal Epithelial Defects.Cornea 31(12):1408-1413,2012.12

Ko JA,Mizuno Y,Shibasaki M,Yamane K,Chikama TI,Sonoda KH,Kiuchi Y:Differential expression of semaphorin 3A and its receptors during mouse retinal development. Cell Biochem Funct 30(7):563-568,2012.10

Ohguro N,Sonoda KH,Takeuchi M,Matsumura M,Mochizuki M:The 2009 prospective multi-center epidemiologic survey of uveitis in Japan.Jpn J Ophthalmol 56(5):432-435,2012.9

Morishige N,Yamada N,Zhang X,Morita Y,Yamada N,Kimura K,Takahara A,Sonoda KH:Abnormalities of Stromal Structure in the Bullous Keratopathy Cornea Identified by Second Harmonic Generation Imaging Microscopy.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 53(8):4998-5003,2012.7

Nagata K,Maruyama K,Uno K,Shinomiya K,Yoneda K,Hamuro J,Sugita S,Yoshimura T,Sonoda KH,Mochizuki M,Kinoshita S:Simultaneous analysis of multiple cytokines in the vitreous of patients with sarcoid uveitis.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 53(7):3827-3833,2012.6

Zhou H,Kimura K,Orita T,Nishida T,Sonoda KH:Inhibition by medroxyprogesterone acetate of interleukin-1β-induced collagen degradation by corneal fibroblasts.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 53(7):4213-4219,2012.6

Suzuki M,Tsujikawa M,Itabe H,Du ZJ,Xie P,Matsumura N,Fu X,Zhang R,Sonoda KH,Egashira K,Hazen SL,Kamei M:Chronic photo-oxidative stress and subsequent MCP-1 activation as causative factors for age-related macular degeneration.J Cell Sci 125(Pt10):2407-2415,2012.5

Kimura K,Orita T,Nomi N,Fujitsu Y,Nishida T,Sonoda KH:Identification of common secreted factors in human corneal fibroblasts exposed to LPS,poly(I:C),or zymosan.Exp Eye Res 96(1):157-162,2012.5

Kunikata H,Shimura M,Nakazawa T,Sonoda KH,Yoshimura T,Ishibashi T,Nishida K:Chemokines in aqueous humour before and after intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide in eyes with macular oedema associated with branch retinal vein occlusion.Acta Ophthalmol 90(2):162-167,2012.3

Ko JA,Chikama T,Sonoda KH,Kiuchi Y:Up-regulation of matrix metalloproteinase-1 and interleukin-6 expression in cocultures of corneal fibroblasts and neural cells.Biochem Biophys Res Commun 419(3):537-542,2012.3

Hasegawa E,Oshima Y,Takeda A,Saeki K,Yoshida H,Sonoda KH,Ishibashi T:IL-27 inhibits pathophysiological intraocular neovascularization due to laser burn.J Leukoc Biol 91(2):237-267,2012.2

Morishige N,Chikama T,Yamada N,Takahashi N,Morita Y,Nishida T,Sonoda KH:Effect of the preoperative duration of stromal edema in bullous keratopathy on early visual acuity after endothelial keratoplasty.J Cataract Refract Surg 38(2):303-308,2012.2

Morita Y,Chikama T,Yamada N,Morishige N,Sonoda KH,Nishida T:New mode of treatment for lattice corneal dystrophy type I:corneal epithelial debridement and fibronectin eye drops.Jpn J Ophthalmol 56(1):26-30,2012.1

Kondo Y,Fukuda K,Suzuki K,Nishida T:Chronic noninfectious uveitis associated with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease treated with low-dose weekly systemic methotrexate.Jpn J Ophthalmol 56(1):104-106,2012.1

疋田 伸一,園田 康平,肱岡 邦明,藤本 武,伊藤 崇子,石橋 達朗:北部九州における内因性ぶどう膜炎の統計-1996年~2003年~2008年の比較.日本眼科学会雑誌 116(9):847-855,2012.9


筆頭著者,共同著者:タイトルまたは章名.雑誌名 巻(号):初頁-末頁,発行年月日

Morishige N,Yamada N,Morita Y,Nakamura Y,Nishida T,Sonoda KH:Detection of ICP0 protein in tear fluid of individuals with active herpetic epithelial keratitis.Jpn J Ophthalmol 55(6):591-594,2011.11

Morishige N,Nomi N,Morita Y,Nishita T:Immunohistofluorescence Analysis of Myofibroblast Transdifferentiation in Human Corneas with Bullous Keratopathy.Cornea 30(10):1129-1134,2011.10

畑辺 なな実,近間 泰一郎,園田 康平,石原 秀行,鈴木 倫保:眼症状で発症したanterior condylar confluence硬膜動静脈瘻の1例.日本眼科学会雑誌 115(10):905-909,2011.10

Jo YJ,Sonoda KH,Oshima Y,Takeda A,Kohno R,Yamada J,Hamuro J,Yang Y,Notomi S,Hisatomi T,Ishibashi T:Establishment of a new animal model of focal subretinal fibrosis that resembles disciform lesion in advanced age-related macular degeneration.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 52(9):6089-6095,2011.8

Kimura K,Teranishi S,Kawamoto K,Nishida:Protective effect of dexamethasone against hypoxia-induced disruption of barrier function in human corneal epithelial cells.Exp Eye Res 92(5):388-393,2011.5 » Abstract

Kimura K,Teranishi S,Orita T,Zhou H,Nishida T:Role of β-Pix in corneal epithelial cell migration on fibronectin.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 52(6):3181-3186,2011.5

Ishida Y,Yanai R,Sagara T,Nishida T,Toshida H,Murakami A:Decrease in intraocular pressure following orthokeratology measured with a noncontact tonometer.Jpn J Ophthalmol 55(3):190-195,2011.5

Sonoda KH,Yoshimura T,Egashira K,Charo IF,Ishibashi T:Neutrophil-dominant experimental autoimmune uveitis in CC-chemokine receptor 2 knockout mice.Acta Ophthalmol 89(2):e180-e188,2011.3» Abstract

Yanai R,Ueda K,Nishida T,Toyohara M,Mori O:Effects of ionic and surfactant agents on the antimicrobial activity of polyhexamethylene biguanide.Eye Contact Lens 37(2):85-89,2011.3» Abstract

Yanai R,Ueda K,Nishida T,Toyohara M,Mori O:Effects of tonicity-adjusting and surfactant agents on the antimicrobial activity of alexidine.Eye Contact Lens 37(2):57-60,2011.3» Abstract

Kimura K,Nomi N,Yan ZH,Orita T,Nishida T:Inhibition of poly(I:C)-induced matrix metalloproteinase expression in human corneal fibroblasts by triptolide.Mol Vis 17:526-532,2011.2» Abstract

Morishige N,Takagi Y,Chikama T,Takahara A,Nishida T:Three-Dimensional Analysis of Collagen Lamellae in the Anterior Stroma of the Human Cornea Visualized by Second Harmonic Generation Imaging Microscopy.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 52(2):911-915,2011.2

Zhou H,Kimura K,Orita T,Nishida T,Sonoda KH:Inhibition by female sex hormones of collagen degradation by corneal fibroblasts.Mol Vis 17:3415-3422,2011


筆頭著者,共同著者:タイトルまたは章名.雑誌名 巻(号):初頁-末頁,発行年月日

Ko JA,Mizuno Y,Yanai R,Chikama T,Sonoda KH:Expression of semaphoring 3A and its receptors during mouse corneal development.Biochem Biophys Res Commun 403(3-4):305-309,2010.12

Ko JA,Yanai R,Chikama T,Nishida T:Down-Regulation of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 in corneal Fibroblasts by Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Released from Corneal Epithelial Cells.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 51(12):6286-6293,2010.12

Morishige N,Teranishi S,Kondo T,Nishida T:Abnormal cytokeratin expression in low-grade conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia.Clin Experiment Ophthalmol 38(9):899-900,2010.12

Orita T,Kimura K,Zhou HY,Nishida T:Poly(I:C)-induced adhesion molecule expression mediated by NF-κ and phosphoinositide 3-kinase-Akt signaling pathways in human corneal fibroblasts.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 51(11):5556-5560,2010.11» Abstract

Kimura K,Orita T,Kondo Y,Zhou H,Nishida T:Upregulation of matrix metalloproteinase expression by poly(I:C) in corneal fibroblasts:role of NF-κB and interleukin-1β.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 51(10):5012-5018,2010.10» Abstract

Kimura K,Kawano S,Mori T,Inoue J,Hadachi H,Saito T,Nishida T:Quantitative analysis of the effects of extracellular matrix proteins on membrane dynamics associated with corneal epithelial cell motility.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 51(9):4492-4499,2010.9» Abstract

Adachi T,Fukuda K,Kondo Y,Nishida T:Inhibition by tranilast of the cytokine-induced expression of chemokines and the adhesion molecule VCAM-1 in human corneal fibroblasts.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 51(8):3954-3960,2010.8» Abstract

柳井 亮二,守田 裕希子,植田 喜一,西田 輝夫:アカントアメーバ角膜炎症例における感染危険因子の解析.日本コンタクトレンズ学会誌 52(2):108-112,2010.6

Nomi N,Kimura K,Nishida T:Release of Interleukins 6 and 8 Induced by Zymosan and Mediated by MAP Kinase and NF-κB Signaling Pathways in Human Corneal Fibroblasts.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 51(6):2955-2959,2010.6

Fukuda K,Kumagai N,Nishida T:The level of soluble CD14 and lipopolysaccharide-binding protei in human basal tears.Jpn J Ophthalmol 54(3):241-242,2010.5

Morishige N,Ko JA,Morita Y,Nishida T:Expression of semaphorin 3A in the rat corneal epithelium during wound healing.Biochem Biophys Res Commun 395(4):451-457,2010.5» Abstract

Ko JA,Akamatsu Y,Yanai R,Nishida T:Effects of semaphorin 3A overexpression in corneal fibroblasts on the expression of adherens-junction proteins in corneal epithelial cells.Biochem Biophys Res Commun 396(4):781-786,2010.4» Abstract

Kimura K,Nishida T:Role of the Ubiquitin-Proteasome Pathway in Down-Regulation of the Gap-Junction Protein Connexin43 by TNF-α in Human Corneal Fibroblasts.Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 51(4):1943-1947,2010.4» Abstract

Yanai R,Ueda K,Nishida T:Retrospective analysis of vision correction and lens tolerance in keratoconus patients prescribed a contact lens with dual aspherical curves.Eye Contact Lens 36(2):86-89,2010.3» Abstract

WY Quan,Ko JA,Yanai R,Nakamura Y,Nishida T:Integrin-mediated inhibition of interleukin-8 secretion from human neutrophils by collagen type I.J Leukoc Biol 87(3):487-493,2010.3» Abstract

Fukuda K,Nishida T:Reciprocal interaction of the conjunctiva and cornea in ocular allergy.J Allergy Clin Immunol 125(2):493-496,2010.2

Kimura K,Teranishi S,Kawamoto K,Nishida T:Protection of human corneal epithelial cells from hypoxia-induced disruption of barrier function by hepatocyte growth factor.Exp Eye Res 90(2):337-343,2010.2» Abstract

Kimura K,Teranishi S,Nishida T:Establishment of human corneal epithelial cells stably expressing human connexin43.Exp Eye Res 90(1):4-9,2010.1» Abstract

Chikamoto N,Fujitsu Y,Kimura K,Nishida T,Araki T:Device for cataract analysis:development and relevance to cataract surgery.J Cataract Refract Surg 36(1):58-65,2010.1